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West Plains

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

The Eclipse is Eclipsed!

Sometimes I am amazed at the God of more. I know that His blessings don’t revolve around me and yet they do. He blesses one of us as if there was only the one. Because He is infinite in all respects, he can infinitely bless the finite. The news in Springfield, MO just announced that the most cloud-free place in the area to witness the total eclipse of the sun at 1:47 today would be West Plains. That’s the exact spot where we’re located this morning—Glenn, Ezra (our grand-son) and me. It’s six-and-a-half hours from our home and lots of people we know from Huntsville, Alabama are driving six or eight hours just to see this phenomenon of the Almighty. Some of them had a challenging time finding accommodations in areas less desirable for viewing than the one in which we find ourselves. 

But here we are, in very nice accommodations provided for us by the Christians at Highway 160, with eclipse glasses given by Christians and a picnic lunch provided by Christians while we get to watch the eclipse around the lake with the Christians at the Brown farm. And the best part is that the eclipse is eclipsed by the chance to hear and share the gospel every night this week. We get to assemble and praise Him. Yesterday I spent the whole afternoon with the diggers of Highway 160 West, about ten of us in the book of 1 Samuel, over coffee and brownies. It was the sweetest fellowship. (In other words, we would be here whether or not there was an eclipse happening today. But what a blessing to witness His glory in this place!)

I looked at Ezra, busily adventuring with ten-year-old twins in that church, and I thought “My God is the God of the living. How excellent is His name!” 

Since I have been in this place—two days—I have received about 18 random notes of encouragement from sisters in Alabama, Texas, Tennessee, Missouri, Georgia and more. Sometimes I just wonder how in the world it is that I can be blessed to be part of the family of God. I understand that there are days of discouragement and perhaps you’re in the middle of a storm right now. But the worst day in the family is better than the best day outside of it. 

He is good. 

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