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Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Lessons about our Stuff

In the study of the eighth commandment last month, we noticed several proverbs from that great Bible book of wisdom and made a list of lessons taught about material possessions from them. This week I am reflecting on those. For the past couple of weeks, we have been hard at work moving Glenn’s elderly parents to Huntsville. My nights have been very short and very interrupted. My days are quite full and even chaotically overflowing. Sometimes I think about how difficult it would be to go through challenging days like these if the important things were awry. But the important things are dependable. His providence for my ultimate good is a sure thing (Romans 8:28).  His salvation that is my light at the end of every tunnel is a guarantee (1 John 1:7). His way of deliverance from every trial is already mapped out (1 Corinthians 10:13). His ability to care for me while caring for you, too (and all of His children) is never in jeopardy (1 Peter 5:7). Material things are not enduring and they are not endearing. He is faithful. As I enter His throne room with my cares, I know He is listening to Jesus interceding for me. May I thus use every material blessing (and they are so many and so individualized to me) for spiritual good.

Here are twenty of those Proverbs lessons. Thanks to Kim Chalmers. This list is mine and Kim’s combined. 

  1. Don’t worry about keeping up with the Joneses  (12:9; 13:7).
  2. The Lord loves those who are generous with the poor (28:11).
  3. Hard work and good decision-making usually lead to increased material prosperity (10:4).
  4. Money is inferior to righteousness (16:8; 28:6).
  5. Your good name is what people will remember; not your wealth (22:1).
  6. Be above board and ethical in business (15:27).
  7. Don’t have a false sense of security in your wealth (18:11).
  8. Work arms us against both poverty and covetousness in God’s economy (6:10-11; 10:4-5; 13:11; 14:3).
  9. Durable riches are better than gold (8:18,19; 13:7; 28:6; Luke 12:21).
  10. Material riches stop bearing any profit at the time of death (11:4).
  11. Covetousness and violence often accompany each other (11:16).
  12. Sometimes people act rich when they are really just covetous (12:9).
  13. It is not wrong to save for your children (13:22).
  14. Greed (selfishness) makes for trouble in the home (15:27).
  15. There is no peace in ill-gotten gain (16:8).
  16. Get-rich-quick schemes don’t work (28:22; 21:5).
  17. Debt steals freedom ( 22:7).
  18. God can provide for needs of people even through wickedness of men (28:8).
  19. Riches and pride are often partners (28:11).
  20. Women can add honor to their husbands by being prudent with finances (31:11).

Hope you’re ready to dig into the ninth commandment during May. These last commands are a great place to find contentment in our souls and peace with the people in our circles of influence. 

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