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Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Digging Deep is on Spotify!

Good news for you running, driving, gymming, and all-things-multitasking diggers. Dig-a-bits are now available on Spotify! It’s also a great way to share episodes with friends for evangelistic purposes. Find an episode that may strike a chord and text it over with a note that says “This made me think of you,” or “This episode addresses what we were talking about the other day!”  After all, a woman doesn’t have to be an official digger to benefit peripherally from the study! Thanks to Jennifer B, who’s so busy, but still gives to DD, you can now find them easily. APPs are for APPlication and Evangelism is the best practical application I can think of!


SO go do what you do and never skip a Dig-a-Bit! 

Video podcast this month is on the 29th and Kim Chalmers will be with me. It’s a great time for her to sit in the chair. Our study this month is on comfort and compassion and Kim has recently gained her credentials from Heritage Christian University to counsel women who are looking to please Christ in difficult situations (and women who simply want to grow stronger in practical ways).  She can help us navigate this study in a way that few women among us could. She loves souls. She loves the Word. Her practice from the West Huntsville church was planned prior to her course work as a labor of love for the West Huntsville women (and others, as time permits). She wanted to do just what our lesson this month is about. She wanted to offer comfort and compassion to women who want to grow through the challenges that are inherent in serving Christ in congregations that are lights in a dark world. The devil is very busy in the lives of Christian women. Kim prepared herself to be a resource in our fight against him. You can reach her at

I know you will find strength in this lesson we will discuss on the 29th. I already am finding that as I prepare!


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