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Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

All I Need.

He’s my refuge, sword and buckler

He’s my rock and He’s its cleft.

He is enough—sufficient

When there is nothing left. 


He is promises delivered 

He is future victories won

He can pity like a Father 

Empathizing like the Son.


Bearing burdens till He lifts them

He stays near till struggles cease

With His own He condescends to dwell

Exchanging fear for peace. 


I cannot comprehend this love

When I am so undone

I cannot fathom boundless grace

For me, the filthy one.


But certain can I be of it

There’ll be no fitful tossing

As I approach the end of time 

And face the Jordan’s crossing.


I’ve laid the hands of those I love

In His, at end of day.

I, too, can grasp that gentle hand

And quietly fly away.


Angels, then dispatched for me

Will give my soul protection

Guiding me to “things above”

On which I’ve set affection.


Praying, praising, pleading more

The vigil I will keep. 

Till my spirit takes its journey

And my body lies in sleep.


He’s my refuge, sword and buckler

He’s my rock and He’s its cleft.

He is enough till one sweet day

On gentle wings —-I’ve left.  

c. colley

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