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Pdf file-plagues

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

For Diggers: An Important pdf File.

In 2013, (Wow! that’s seven years ago) we were studying the plagues Exodus. Of course, our study highlighted them in a different context, but 10 diggers that year researched and wrote about their “plague of choice” and shared that information with the group. (Most of these researchers are still studying along with us.) Many of you saved that valuable file. It’s in the files of this group. I want to highlight it once again for all those who’ve joined us in the intervening years as we, once again, study the Exodus and the preparation for the law-giving at Sinai. The work of these diggers is bound to continue to bless your study of His holiness this month!

Here’s the file:The Plagues of Egypt copy

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