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Parenting products

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Ideas for Growing Faith: Products for Children

Happy Holidays! To those who entered the holiday contest, let me say a big thanks. This successful contest yielded several ideas that I know will be helpful to parents, especially those who have younger children.  First, I’d like to share four product ideas that rose to the top, in my estimation, of the gifts that will keep on giving for little souls. While I’ve not been able to look at everything from these sites, I’ve spent some time perusing and I believe parents will be blessed by taking advantage of these sites and the resources they offer for your kids. 

First is This is a growing site produced by a Christian family for the purpose of building faith in families. I hope you’ll visit and take the time to see if some of these innovative resources can beef up your family or homeschool  Bible time.

Next, is our old and faithful friend I can vouch for these folks in their excellent presentation of apologetics for Christian families. The Colleys are personally indebted to Apologetics Press for many occasions upon which they provided the answers and resources we needed to address the most important questions our kids asked while developing faith. This submission specifically recommends the creation cards for daily teaching about creation. They’re here:  I might add that they are excellent tools to carry in your diaper bag for quiet and productive time while mom’s in a worship assembly. But you really need to be very familiar with the entire website. 

Next is, a tool for enriching family devotionals. If you haven’t checked this one out, you’ll be blessed. 

Finally, the ABC scripture cards from Any time you can put the pure scriptures in the hearts of kids, it’s time well spent. These are sweet little tools for doing that. I think you’ll like them.

Thanks to Rachel Valentin for these ideas. She’s a mom on a spiritual quest and I have an idea we’ll be hearing good things from her little girls in ladies’ circles in the Lord’s church in about 20 years!

More ideas from the contest next time!

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