(According to WIkipedia, in 2001, the greatest disaster in the History of the state of New York occurred as terrorists attacked the World Trade Towers claiming the lives of 2996 people. After the events of this week (https://www.lifenews.com/2019/01/23/new-york-governor-andrew-cuomo-signs-bill-legalizing-abortions-up-to-birth/), Wikipedia will need an update. But it will not get one. The update that classifies, as terrorism—what occurred at the stroke of Governor Cuomo’s pen this week—may not occur till the judgement day [although it is the opinion of this writer that those who are smiling in the photo should be given the death penalty]. The blood of its untold thousands of additional victims–victims which will include full term babies and even those who will be born as victims of botched abortions–may not be requited till the perpetrators are themselves suffering in eternal hell. But God is not mocked.)
I’ve been wanting to get rid of this enemy for a long, long time. I have wounded this army many times. I have sucked the life from her little by little. But she kept torturing me. This week, however, this enemy succumbed to my power. I poisoned her regiments with saline. I suffocated her people and ripped their limbs from their torsos. I even put knives in the bases of many skulls, when nothing else was working. I am sure, no matter what occurs now in other eras and places, for my people, the army is defeated.
And I’m rejoicing. I’m glad there will be no funerals. No death certificates will be issued. All lifeless remains will be dumped, piece by piece in orange medical receptacles and carted to landfills.
I was not sad about the deaths. Instead, this week I had a party…a huge celebration. I danced in the streets and drank champagne. I went to great expense decorating for the party with thousands of pink lights. The press attended my party and I smiled for the cameras of multiple national news organizations. I invited dignitaries to the party and they turned out in large numbers. My conquest was broadcast around the globe. Phrases like “freedom from oppression,” “women’s rights” and “victory for choice” are still ringing from street corners and penthouses. I have won in the name of liberty,
Don’t try to diminish from my victory by pointing out that the defeated army really consists of little fighters that are all under 12 pounds or that there is not one single “soldier” in that army who is guilty of any crime. Don’t come to my party if you want to spout logic about the definition of “murder” or of “genocide” or science about genetics or DNA. I do not want to debate about the “rights” of the defeated army. My powerful regime is fully protected by law now, and I am not impressed by the tactics of those who continue to believe the enemy will resurface. This is not about the so-called “culture of life.” It is a celebration of victory for feminists…for women who are choosing to end pregnancies and get on with lives of promise.
Above all, don’t warn me that this battle is not done.
Remember, I am strong. I am resilient. The whole country rallied around me when my old towers were obliterated and three thousand lives were taken by terrorism. I am indebted to so many first responders and emergency workers from all over this great country. But I am back now. It is my turn to terrorize. I have a new tower…a tower funded by the citizenry and, at night, it heralds my victory in pink.
I am New York.