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New Year

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

HAPPY NEW YEAR!–Our House and our “Hyper” God!

Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen (Ephesians 3:20,21).

Happy New Year! As I sit here in a coffee shop to write, it strikes me how often I become “stressed-and-a-mess” over the negatives in my days that are really insignificant beyond nothingness. This week we postponed a Christmas ( a BIG one, cancelled due to sickness) that was supposed to be at our house, We are without internet for ten days at our house. We have an extra child at our house (a pretty needy one, at that). We have a couple of majorly huge issues going on in our house, that require our minds as we navigate them. And, at our house, this week, someone called to say some very harsh things to my husband in some very harsh tones. 

“Our house”  was in the above paragraph five times. It’s so important for me to remember the huge blessing in that phrase. “Our” means it’s not just me against the world. There are five good (and young) sisters, locally, that come to mind as I type who don’t talk about “our house” in the same sense that I can speak of it. There’s no male spiritual leadership, no wage earning man, no strong child disciplinarian, no protector and no one in the home who loves these sisters as Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5). But I live in “our house.” And the blessed implications of that are huge. Those of us who do enjoy it should never be smug about or take for granted the insulation that separates us from the harshness of the unrighteous world around us. And we should minister to those who do not have the godly leaders in the home. 

And then it’s our “”house”. The place of belonging. The system of familiar life, The shelter from the rain. The warmth in a cold winter. The presence of beds with blankets and firm pillows, electricity, food in the fridge, and clothing in the closets. It’s a place where the grandchildren who are not sick can isolate from the ones down the street who are fevered. It’s a place where they know there are bikes on the porch and games in the basement. More than that, our house is a home. When I walk in that kitchen door, there’s music even if it’s completely silent, because there is praise in my heart. He lives at our house. The aroma of the potpourri in the tiny counter crockpot fills the air with the fragrance of cinnamon and fruit and reminds me of of how much he has given me. I delight in His law and I can bring forth “fruit in my season” (Psalm 1). There are little twinkling lights that will stay there much longer this year while we wait for that fun Christmas time with family that will, prayerfully, happen in about a month. They are fun and they tell me, when all of my neighbors are turning their lights off, that maybe letting mine twinkle all through January will remind me that the real light, that should shine in and from my house, should remain every day of every year. 

While I thought about the immensity of the blessings in our house, I remembered  that I serve the God of more. I looked up the Greek word for more abundantly in Ephesians 3 and I find that the word is hyper. That’s right, It’s the word we use today to describe a child who is way above and beyond excited. It’s the word we use to tell the doctor about a wild allergic reaction on our skin…”I am hyper-allergic/hyper-sensitive to to______________.”  When a child is focused on some object or outcome and cannot be distracted, we say he is “hyper-fixated.” Our God is way outside the realm of the norm in his care for us.  When I try to describe his ability to answer my pleas, I understand He is the “hyper” God.  He is able to do “hyper” (abundantly more) than I can ask or imagine. 

It’s a new year. I’ve decided to do some things that might be helpful for me, personally. I’m going to drink some protein every morning. I’m implementing some new prayer habits and I’m starting the Digging Deep writing process much earlier this year. But more than those resolutions, I’m going to remember that, while there is so much that I cannot control—sickness, technology, sin in the lives of others, to name a few—I serve a Father who is “hyper-able”. I can take all the little inconveniences and mishaps to Him at any given moment, and I can know that He is working with unlimited ability toward the end that He already sees with clarity! And he works in “our house.” I cannot focus on the end of the anxiety yet, because I cannot see the resolution. But I can focus on my “hyper” God and know that He is able to do more than I am asking or thinking for our house! Happy New Year! Your God is able!

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Grow More in ’24!

Happy New Year! Perhaps  the New Year is an over-used motivator that lacks long-term effectiveness. But this IS  a great time to commit to deep Bible study. The Word is, by far and away, the most important knowledge you will grasp in this lifetime. Reading it through is of great value. It’s the only information we have from our Father about what it takes to be saved from eternal death. But merely reading it through will not bless you in the same ways and to the same extent that deep study will bless. 

It’s a perfect time to start digging with thousands of women who are staying on track each month in the Digging Deep Bible study. You will not find your self lost or “behind” if you jump in right now. You can get free materials or materials to purchase here:!/Digging-Deep-2023-The-Crown-Deluxe-Study-Book/p/574010342/category=0. If you want to know more, why not join us next Tuesday night at 7 CST here for the Digging Deep podcast? It will just take an hour (plus a little) of your time and it just might change your life or even your eternal destiny! We’d love to have you join us!

Here’s what one digger recently said:

It is no exaggeration to say that doing this study each year has been life-changing for both me and my daughter.  I know you will be blessed if you partake in any of this study. 

Let me know if I can help you. There’s a tutorial video pinned on the Digging Deep in God’s Word page. Find it here:

Happy New Year! 

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

This Blog. Fourteen Yearly Resolves Ago

The kids of the 2009 resolve.

It’s stirring that I’ve posted just under 2000 editions of the “Bless Your Heart” blog. It means I am fourteen years older than when I began posting (Yikes!). It means that much water’s passed under my bridge since “Bless Your Heart” began. It means that there have been moments of incredible happiness that were chronicled here and moments of profound loss. I was looking through some of the posts that have to do with New Year’s resolutions last night and ran across this from the year 2009.

It struck me that I had not yet lost my father, my connection to the place of my birth, my dream of having a divorce-free family, my dear sister-in-law, my strong father-in-law or my dearest friendship (outside my physical family) thus far on earth. But I had not gained the children I would love through marriage, my five incredible grandchildren, my deepened relationships in the West Huntsville family, or my little cabin through which many people so dear to my heart would pass.
If I could have known what the next fourteen years held, I would have been in deep agony and profound joy on that New Year’s Eve. I would have worked to maintain and gain and I would have worked to avoid loss. I would have cried out in anguish and, at the same time, I would have rejoiced.  I would have praised Him and I would have plead earnestly with him.
I’m so glad I could not know the future. I am afraid I would have hurt far more if I could have known. But one thing is for sure, though. As I reflect on this more innocent night of New Year’s dreams, I know He already knew every circumstance I would face and He already had a plan to carry me through because I am His child. He has given me strength that has helped prepare me for heaven through both the amazingly wonderful things and the incredibly dark days. He is faithful.
Here’s the post from New Year’s Eve, 2009. (And I do realize that I write selfishly for my own therapeutic purposes…and for my grandchildren, one day. I know I’m wholly insignificant and they are the only ones who may even be interested at all in my ramblings. I surely don’t expect others to read and absorb 14 years of my life! Maybe I should just settle for a personal diary and not a blog!=)
It was 27 minutes till the dawn of 2010 when we turned off the TV and stopped the festivities at my dad’s house. Getting serious for a few minutes in front of the fire that would warm us into the new year, we first went around the room and all the guys chose a spiritual song to lead. It was really pretty singing: Anywhere with Jesus and Nothing but the Blood and others. Then we all listened as every person in the room– cousins, aunts, uncles, parents and children—told us all exactly and specifically how he/she was going to do something in the new year to be a better person.  Here are some of the resolutions we heard:
1. (from a mom) I am going to put my prayer list in a place where I can more easily access it when I’m actually before the throne.
2. (from a pre-teen) I am going try to stop arguing with my brothers and sisters.
3. (from a college student) I am going to add to my daily Bible time a short time in a good spiritual study guide.
4. (from a young child) I am going to give more hugs.
5. (from a teenager) I am going to work hard to get the “me monster” out of my life.
6.  (from a graduate student) I am going to spend more time preparing healthy meals, so I can feel better to accomplish important things.
7. (from a mom) I am going to pick out a day of the week or even a day of the month to take my kids to visit sick people.
8. (from a young child) I am going to share.
9. (from a dad) I am going to work really hard to sell a piece of land that’s getting in our way of being all we want to be spiritually and financially.
10. (from a high school student) I plan to be kinder and friendlier to people who might not treat me nicely.
11. (from a college student) I was not prepared for all the things college life would throw at me and I’m determined to go back this semester armed and ready for the challenges. I am going to stop making excuses for my mistakes and be responsible for disciplining myself.
12. (from a pre-teen) I am going to get up in the mornings and get cracking on my school work, so I will have more time for fun things.
13. (from a dad) I am determined to be an encourager.
I have a feeling these resolutions will not be perfectly kept. I know there will be times when Dad will discourage someone. There will be times when Mom will not be the prayer warrior she wants to be. There will be times when the child will be selfish. There will be a morning when it will be very hard to get up and get busy; and there will be times when Bible study is abbreviated, at best. Life happens and we deal with it. But resolution is still a very good thing. We plan to evaluate these self-challenges in a year. And, if the resolve moves us in the direction we want to go, then the resolutions, in another year, will be a little more mature, a little more challenging, and, certainly, will bring us a little closer to heaven. When the resolve becomes weak and the temptation becomes strong, we still have the Father to shorten our faith gaps, promising us that there is no temptation so strong that He will not provide that way of escape (I Cor. 10:13). We want to look for God’s  “out” in 2010. I hope fellow Christians will pray that we will always find the escape route.  At the end of 2010, we want to be better people.…And then we prayed. When we finished praying there were 47 seconds left in 2009; a year that had been full of undeserved blessings; a year of days that change all too quickly from pending to past. We counted down the final seconds and embraced each other into the New Year.

It’s a good life. It’s a wonderful time in a good life. It’s a good family with good intentions. And we serve a great God who can solidify the intentions of his focused people.  We will soon have turned all of the corners of 2010 to find both the unexpected and the predictable eventualities. Everything on the agenda will soon be in the memoirs. When we look through the pages of the 2010 chapter, may it be a good read.

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Praying Children in this New Year.

Happy New Year! 

When you married the Lord on that day when you were immersed for the forgiveness of your sins, you made vows to love, honor and obey Him in sickness and health, in adversity and prosperity, for better or for worse, for richer and for poorer—to have and to hold Him till death unites you with Him forever and ever. 

I hope this year is health and prosperity. I hope it is better and richer. I pray, for our Colley family, that it will be an easier year than the past year.—the year that has certainly been our most challenging year to date. I’m praying for all readers and for us, that no matter the ease or difficulty of the 365 days ahead of us, that it will be a year full of loving, honoring and obeying the One who died for us. I’m praying we will all have Him—His mercy, His correction, His salvation and His advocacy throughout the coming year. I’m praying we will all hold Him, clinging tenaciously to His sovereignty and His promises that are as good as accomplished. I pray that we will all have the security of claiming Romans 8:28. 

As a new year dawns, I’m thinking about the children who depend on women who may read this blog regularly. I’m thinking about their place in a world that has become so secularized that it often mocks those who even believe in a Creator. It’s a world that rejects absolute truth and the idea that one system of morality may be better than any other. It  is a world that calls what is really evil, “good,” celebrating what God terms “vile affection” and giving adherents of sin the moral high ground in society. 

There’s a big group of mamas today who are determined to make spiritual heroes and heroines of the little souls entrusted in their care. There’s an army of truth defenders arising from among our ranks in a time when the challenges for this army will be greater than any time in our country’s history. 

Some of these mamas have asked for resources for teaching our kids to pray. “How do we practically teach our kids the value, the necessity and the how-to of daily prayer? How do we help them develop this personal communication with the God Who has promised to be the refuge and strength in a time of trouble?” I surely do not know all of the answers, but I’m learning from those of you who are working so hard to do this important mama’s job. 

So for the next few posts, let’ s absorb and integrate some of these ideas and help our children and grandchildren grow up around the throne in prayer. Watch for these!

Finally, it’s snowing in north Alabama! This is Maggie’s first time to see snow and it happened at Mammy’s house! She’s three and she’s my Florida girl, so she’s pretty excited about the snow. She kept telling her mom that she could not wait for the snow to start falling while they opened up their Christmas presents (in Florida!). Well, this is our morning for cousin Christmas gifts—our first day to have them all here (without extended family) to attack that big stack of gifts in there…and Maggie’s snow has just fallen! God is good like that! 

Happy New Year! Let’s give every day of it to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit!

(And the podcast is tomorrow night!)

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

March for Life: A Walk to Remember

 last year’s little group!

Happy New Year! Here we are in 2021 and just four weeks out from the March for Life in Washington, DC on January 29th. It’s very much a happening thing and I need to get final numbers for those who wish to attend. I need those numbers by January 10th at noon. Once I have those numbers, I’ll be able to cancel any superfluous rooms reserved, have our hoodies made, and make arrangements for a meal together on Thursday night as well as a devotional later that night. I believe our group will be small, but full of faith and full of love for life! I think we will encourage each other and take home memories we’ll treasure and blessings of strength that will help us through what seems will be a challenging few months to come, in many respects. Please contact me at and let me know if you plan to attend. I need you to accompany that reservation with a $50 deposit payable to The Colley House. You can mail a check or paypal the money to These funds will be applied to your hotel room. If you share a room with three others, your cost will be roughly a hundred dollars for both nights (Thursday and Friday night).  (Private accommodations are also available for a higher cost.) If possible, please make your reservation through me rather than directly through the hotel, since we have already reserved a block of rooms at the Westin in Olde Town Alexandria. Your additional costs will be for any food or incidentals you purchase on the trip and each person is responsible for her own transportation to the area. There is also a charge for riding the metro to all the places you will go with the group (or on your own) after arriving. A three day pass is $28.00 and will accommodate all your travel needs within the city. (I’ve found the DC metro to be safe, clean and very efficient.) Those passes are bought quickly as you enter the metro station near the hotel. You do not need a rental car if you choose to fly. Some are driving and some are flying to Reagan which is about 11 miles from the hotel. Once you arrive at the airport, there’s a shuttle to the hotel. 

You can find all info about the March itself at

Hoodies will be as reasonably priced as I can make them for those who are making the investment already to go. Once we have a final design and cost on those, I’ll make them available (by pre-order only) to those who are not going for a slightly higher cost. 

Notice: Even if you have already told me you are going, please confirm again at the above email address. (Exceptions are Hickman and Thomas and those from West Huntsville who are planning to ride the van.) Many plans have changed and I’m sympathetic to that. However, we REALLY hope you can come. We will be launching a study about that time of the commandment “Thou shalt not kill” and our time together will be a very practical application. I promise a dose of immunity from discouragement! It will be both a way to help sustain precious unborn life while giving needed sustenance to your own spiritual lives. You can be a channel for His blessings on this purposeful trip.

I cannot tell you how very much you encourage me. Let’s make 2021 a year in which we dig harder than ever before. I somehow think we are going to need this spiritual nourishment more than ever before. May we emerge stronger and more fit for heaven. 

“…you have persevered and have patience, and have labored for My name’s sake and have not become weary” (Revelation 2:3).

“Thus says the Lord who made you and formed you from the womb, who will help you…” (Isaiah 44:2).

We can do 2021 for His glory. I know He will help us!

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

2020: What was I thinking?

I looked back this morning at what I wrote as 2020 dawned. Three observations:

1.  I thought flash flooding in Huntsville was the “lion” of 2020.

2.  A little Christmas stomach bug was a hijacking virus.

3.  I thought I was returning to a routine for the New Year.

One simple statement is enough:  this mind-blowing wisdom from the Holy Spirit…May I allow Him to guide me through every day of 2021:

Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit”; whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.”

And below is the innocence and naivety of my “Happy New Year” message one year ago….I needed the “Come  now” of James 4:13-16. One thing I got perennially right, though. There’s still a blessing trail for me and every reader. Here are my musings one year ago (and notice in the group photo that Ezra was the only one having a 2020 premonition):

In Huntsville, Alabama, 2020 brought great torrents of rain. Glenn and I telephoned 9-1-1 from our car last night to report some pretty serious flash flooding across streets that were still open and being treacherously navigated. As he made the call, on this evening in which the last of our sweet holiday company had flown back home, I thought “This is a pretty apropos ending to a torrentially blessed, but chaotic season. All we need now is to be stuck in this raging deluge.” 

But they say, “When it comes in like a lion, it goes out like a lamb.” Maybe there will be some “lamb” days—some gentle and serene days in 2020 for work and contemplation and especially for Digging Deep ( I’m ready to put the house back together and search for some semblance of routine. Remember, the December podcast is next Tuesday night!

We had a ton of fun company in this house (that included a suicidal squirrel…, a lightning storm (that took out our largest backyard tree, our internet, Roku, modem, router and a window in the cabin), a virus that hijacked our Christmas morning plans, and one awful day when they could not hear a heartbeat from my grandchild that’s still in the womb.

But you know, there’s always that blessing trail ( All of our children, viruses and all, were here with us. (My husband is going to speak at a baby’s funeral this very morning.) We are wealthy enough to be extremely dependent on our internet. The most stressful part of its absence was that I was falling behind on my Digging Deep research and my communication with the greatest group of encouraging sisters in the world! My husband, who was standing only a few feet from that giant oak tree, is alive and well (although his hearing may be a little worse for that wear)!  Our baby was just hiding the heartbeat, after all, and went galloping like a champ during the next, more intensive sonogram. The man, who came to work on our internet, took the time to talk with me about God’s plan of salvation, about baptism for the remission of sins, and he even tested the internet by going to our West Huntsville page. He says, “My wife and I will definitely be visiting your church. It sounds like you are teaching just the Bible and that is a rare thing.” The blessing trail, now and always, just goes on and on. He is so good.

He is good, not just to those like me who are in a season of extreme prosperity in so many ways. He is good, even to those who are suffering horrible reversals today. It’s my prayer during 2020, that I can behave, EVERY day, as though I really believe He is glorious and good. When there is stress and when there is peace; when there is encouragement and when there is sharp criticism; when there is devastation and when there is exultant joy; when there is danger and when there is safety—may I constantly be reminded of his supremacy and ultimate blessing in my life as His faithful daughter (Romans 8:28). 

I know the Digging Deep study will help me to keep my mind focused in exactly this way. I’m going to invite someone to do this study with us this very week. I hope you will, too. As women are making their New Year’s resolutions, it’s a great time to ask them to jump in and make this a deeper year in His Word.