I’ve heard of several churches that have some monthly or quarterly women’s gathering called Mugs & Muffins (tea/coffee, muffins, and time in the word or in fellowship). It’s a great catalyst for growing closer and learning to serve each other.
Our Mugs & Muffins happened last Saturday and I wanted to share its focus here, just in case there’s another little tribe of His women who’d like to encourage in this same way.
Our teen guys get lots of opportunities to lead in worship. At West Huntsville, a different teen reads scripture for the church each Sunday night. Often our Wednesday evening song leader is a teen. And each Wednesday the closing prayer is led by a teen. There’s always a little team of teens serving communion each Sunday. Then there are multiple devotionals and activities throughout each week in which our guys are leading.
But the girls love leading in girl group settings. There just aren’t as many of those opportunities. While the settings in which girls can scripturally lead songs and offer audible prayers, do not occur as frequently, there are ladies’ retreats, ladies’ days, purity days, ladies’ nights out, Dorcas classes, moms’ meetings, lads-to-leaders girls’ study sessions, Bible-marking classes for teen girls, other girls-only classes and ladies’ prayer groups (all of these happen at West Huntsville). So there is a great need for girls to develop a comfort zone that allows them to lead in worship without trepidation.
Mugs & Muffins, created here by some of the teen leaders and moms, is a venue that is just for this purpose. It’s a Saturday morning mini-brunch (muffins are made by the girls and their moms) and then an hour of praising God, reading His Word, and praying to Him…all led by our young girls. The encouragement, in full-size servings from the older women, is a natural result. Lots of hugs, pats-on-the back, and little “such-a great-job” notes follow Mugs & Muffins.
Here are a couple of photos from our last Mugs & Muffins. Numbers were a bit down due to our winter “family flu”. (We’re praying to get through with this kind of “sharing” soon!)
One of the teens came directly to me after Mugs & Muffins. Knowing that I was hosting ladies’-night-out at my house, she said “Is there anything I can do to help you on Monday night?” That’s the spirit of this Mugs & Muffins.
Have a great week serving Him.