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Lee and Johnnia Holder Bible Scholarship

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

The Holder Memorial Scholarship Recipient: Michael Benavides

(Many who frequently read this blog have been very kind through recent months as our family said a temporary farewell to my Father last December. Some of you sent gifts to a scholarship fund established for a Bible major at Freed Hardeman University in memory of my parents. The scholarship was awarded last Sunday evening at a graduation celebration following the evening worship service at the the West Huntsville church. My husband, Glenn, made the following statement and Celine Sparks presented the scholarship. All donations are so very much appreciated by our family and the gospel we love will be promoted in this way through the training of Michael Benavides.)

On the recent passing of Lee Holder, known as PieDaddy to his grandchildren, the Mr.and Mrs. Lee Holder Memorial FHU Bible Scholarship was established for 2018. Many friends and family members sent funds for this scholarship, rather than flowers, at the time of the funeral. The family is profoundly grateful for every donation. We believe this honors two lives well-lived in a personal way because all three of this couple’s daughters, all three sons-in-law, seven grandchildren and all three grand-children in law have been blessed to take classes in this department at Freed Hardeman University. This number includes six faithful gospel preachers and two female bible majors who are working in the kingdom. Many books and DVDs used for evangelism and church growth are resultant from this training. 

Our parents loved FHU and they particularly loved gospel preaching. They loved souls. Thus, our criteria for awarding this scholarship was four-fold:

*We would find a freshman enrolling in 2018.

*We would need a Bible Major.

*We would need someone who plans to preach the gospel.

*We would find someone who has demonstrated an honorable character.

We searched in several states and through several means and finally realized that one such young man, who fits all of the criteria was living locally and was, in fact, a member at West Huntsville. We want to stress that, while there are many at West Huntsville who fit the character requirements, there’s only one who fits ALL of the above criteria, including declared major, intent to preach, and year of college entrance. We know this young man will bring glory to God through the blessing of this Bible training.

We are proud to present this scholarship, in the amount of four thousand dollars, to Michael Benavides, for the 2018 fall semester at this time, in honor of Mr.and Mrs. Lee Holder. 

The family wishes him all the best in his career at FHU and we pray for him a lifetime of winning souls for eternity around the throne.


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