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Kathleen Ferrell

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Kathleen Ferrell…a Labor of Harmonious Love

Okay! Just let me take a minute today to tell you about my amazing sister-friend out in Stockton, California who can carry not just a tune in her bucket, but lyrics that are scripturally beautiful and harmonies that will make you want to pick your part and go! Kathleen Ferrell wrote a song for a little gift of encouragement for Glenn and me; and there, in my mailbox was the sheet music, with original scoring and access to the youtube spot to hear it. I want you to be able to hear it, too, along with all of her beautiful contributions to our worship praise in the church. 

The best part about her work is that it is truly a labor of love. She offers all of her songs to the church for our free use and reproduction for books or powerpoint hymnals. 

Kathleen’s done a lot of musical work, as I understand it, since the Covid-19 virus has plagued our country. Thus, she cannot assemble the required parts to record the songs, so that we can hear what they sound like with all four parts. However, she sings them for us on youtube and then she synthesizes voices (without words) so we can hear the harmonies that will be added, when we sing them congregationally, to the lead to which she has introduced us. (Hope that makes sense. You’ll see. We all understand the humming and ooh-ing and ahh-ing is not what we will do in worship, but the synthesized harmony does allow us to see the beauty of the piece and how it will sound when all the voices are blending.)

You can find her music (and subscribe) here: The channel is Pure Joyful Music by Kathleen Russell Ferrell. I’m so thankful for her work and fully expect it to bless the kingdom for years to come. Here’s the sheet music for “our song,” too. I love this song. Only God can put this kind of talent in His creatures. Only God can give us something so magnificent to sing about!

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