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Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

More than just the Study…

I hope you are loving the study of “The Crown” as much as I am; not because of who compiled the great thoughts of the Holy Spirit for our consideration this year, but because of Who authored them for our compilation. This month what is smacking me in the face as I read and study is the humility of the crown-wearer; the thorn-crown wearer. I can’t wait to talk about him. As this hits your inbox or your Facebook scroll, it will be just a day until podcast day. Don’t forget it’s Tuesday at 7 CST.

My good friend Larianne Stutts, from Orange Park, FL recently shared this photo with me. She took the “Practically Speaking” assignment from Month 4 of our study, tweaked it just a bit, and planned a brunch for teen girls in the church where she lives. The purpose was to discuss the Goliaths in their lives and give insights on how to slay them. The assignment read as follows:

Have a teen girls’ devotional in your home. Discuss 1 Samuel 17 and have the girls discuss the giants that they face in their lives during the formidable teen years.

She said she expected 5-10 girls. Here’s the photo of the attendees. (But then Israel never expected a dead giant on the ground at the end of the day, either!) Our God is so big, so strong and so mighty. There’s nothing our God cannot do!

I love that about Digging Deep. It’s more than a study. It’s a bond. A world-wide bond. I spoke with two women about this bond yesterday and I am 500 miles or so from home. It’s a catalyst for service. It’s the most encouraging human “thing” in my life. It is HIS word making headway in me.

As I look out my window in Asheville, NC this morning, there are giant flakes of snow falling. If you want to think more about His snowfall, think (and thank) here Maybe you are looking out your window at snow today, too. This is what I saw…So fun!

One thing’s for sure. If you are looking out your window at all, you are looking at Him–the One who made you and then put on skin so that He could save you! If there’s ever anything I can do to help you to heaven, I’m all about that!


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