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Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

New Facebook Group for Teen Girls

My new friend, Alethia Patterson, had a great question: “Is there a facebook page where we, as teen girls in the body of Christ can encourage each other in purity?” I really wasn’t sure about it, but I asked around and couldn’t find exactly what she was looking for. Alethia had just studied the “Pure on Purpose” series in her girls’ class in her local church, so we named the page “Pure on Purpose” after the girls’ series available on this website. I added my friend, Shelby Vega, a sophomore at Faulkner University, as administrator. Shelby is devoted to the Lord, is a student of the Word, and is eager to use her influence to help others know the Gospel.

I’m excited, already, about this girls’ group. I’m seeing stuff about modesty and Bible study tips and morality. I’m seeing girls who are teaching and girls who are learning. I hope, if you are a pre-teen, teen, or even twenty-something woman of God, you will check it out. I believe it could be a tool for maintaining holiness in your life. I know you could make a difference in other lives through this page. So many girls are using facebook for interaction that is counterproductive to godly living. I’m very thankful for Alethia and Shelby and the girls who are making the most of this social network. One day we will be face to face with the Lord and the books will be opened, as it were…the Book of Life (Rev. 3:5), The Book that will judge us (John 12:48), and the Book of our Deeds (II Cor. 5:10).We will give an account of our use of facebook when we Face THE Book. Let’s use this medium for His glory!

Cindy Colley Hannah Giselbach Published Works Video

Pure on Purpose by Cindy and Hannah Colley

Designed for girls ages 11 and over, their moms and mentors, this series, together with its study guide makes 13 very practical lessons for girls who want to do life God’s way. Topics range from purity of thought to guarding sexual purity. It’s the lessons we’ve prayed about and worked toward for several years. Recommended for classroom use, the thirteen lessons can be covered in a quarter, but we think it’s even better to develop the material fully, spending two quarters in the study. Each class needs only one DVD for the entire class and one book per student. We hope moms and daughters will study this series at home, as well. Most of all, it is our prayer that hearts of young girls reached by this series will purpose to do the teen years in purity. God created you. He knows what will bring you joy. In this series, we hope He convicts you through His Word to help yourself to happiness.

*Teacher Instruction page for the lesson 5 activity.

Pure on Purpose DVD set (six lessons): $29.95

Study guide: $5.95

Go to DVD product page

Go to Study Guide product page