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Digging Deep

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

On the fourth day of Digging Deep…

On the first day of Digging Deep, this digger got to  see… A new deluxe edition for me…

On the second day of Digging Deep, this digger got to see…two giant swag orders and a new deluxe edition for me. 

On the third day of Digging Deep, this digger got to see …three posted dig-a bits, two giant swag orders and a new deluxe edition for me.

On the fourth day of Digging Deep, this digger got to see …four sample screen-prints, three posted dig-a-bits, two giant swag orders, and a new deluxe edition for me.

Several have asked about prices if groups are trying to get the orders together before a representative comes to PTP. The single Digging Deep spiral-bound book price is $20.00. For orders of six or more, the books are $18.50 each. We will, once again, have t-shirts with this year’s theme on them. The cost of this Comfort Colors  t-shirt will be $21.00. (The only t-shirt size that is unavailable in Comfort Colors is the 3X, so that one will be an “upscale,”very nice Hanes–same price.) A book and t-shirt bundle is priced at $38.00. We will try to bring various swag items, including a limited number of hoodies with us, too (but I LOVE hoodies, so we have to have those! =)) The hoodies will be $34.00. I haven’t seen the finished product in the shirts or hoodies, but I’m thinking they are going to be pretty cute, as well as great evangelism conversation starters. And don’t forget there’s a free download of the study. No one has to pay to “do” Digging Deep. All items will be online at reveal time which is August 17th at approximately 1 pm, EST.

I’m excitedly counting down. Including some podcast tapings and a children’s lesson, I have 11 lessons at PTP,  for which to prep. I need to quit ordering t-shirts, making dig-a bits and taping reveal videos– and study! But DD is a lot of fun this time of year! Bring on the pumpkin spice and the DD! It’s almost fall!

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

On the Third Day of Digging Deep…

On the first day of Digging Deep, this digger got to  see… A 2025 deluxe edition for me…

On the second day of Digging Deep, this digger got to see…two giant swag orders and a new deluxe edition for free.  

On the third day of Digging Deep, this digger got to see …three posted dig-a bits, two giant swag orders and a new deluxe edition for free.

To be an official finisher, you must have completed every reading assignment and every question in the book, every “practically speaking”  and have EITHER watched every monthly video podcast OR have listened to every dig-a-bit for the first eleven months of the study.

I’ve already been reading about lots of you who have finished. I’ve gotten notes in the mail from some of you who have finished earlier than ever before. Did I make it too easy?

Post your crown photos on the DD page. They make us smile!

And, seriously, if you have input about how to make a better or more efficient study, shoot them my way. We haven’t arrived till we get there! 

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

On the Second Day of Digging Deep…(and Rebecca Mears)

On the first day of Digging Deep, a Digger said to me… A new deluxe edition for me…

On the second day of Digging Deep, my true love gave to me…two giant swag orders and a new deluxe edition for me.  

Rebecca Mears (on the right in the photo. Her sweet Mama is on the left), got through chemo, transfusions, a transplant from her brother Moises, and so much more, several years back, while sticking with Digging from her sick bed and hospital and place of begging.  Yesterday I got this message from her: 

I did not have a study group , it was just me, but I finished it!!!!

Sorry the picture is on my bed since I am sick right now , but so happy that I was able to finished it!!! Wonderful Bible study!!! I did all the practical applications, all the dig-a-bits and all the podcasts.

That’s just a little encouragement as so many are nearing the finish line. It’s just a finish line toward THE finish line: 

For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure has come. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing.

  the apostle Paul

Carry on toward the big finish whether or not you are doing this study. He is so very faithful!

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

On the First Day of Digging Deep

On the first day of Digging Deep, a Digger said to me… A new deluxe edition for me…

It’s just days till digging deep reveal and I got the books today!…the new bound editions of the 2024-25 Digging Deep study and I can’t wait to get started. Today, in fact, marks the 12-day countdown to reveal moment at PTP and via video on the Digging Deep in God’s Word facebook page. I hope you are making plans to study along. It’s going to be great, because God’s Word never fails! When heaven and earth pass away, His Word will abide (Mark 13:31). Get into the pages of the text that will still be around after every other book’s been thrown in a big fire. You can study via many methods, but we are happy anytime you choose to dig with us. 

And speaking of exciting things at PTP…last year in the six-year-old class, Colleyanna was given a “silent book” reviewing the materials she studied in class. That little book was amazing and Colleyanna still treasures it. Miss Maxine Knoll, her teacher on the kids’ hall last year, creates these little books and this year, she’s making these handmade treasures available to your children at her exhibit hall table at PTP! I know you’re going to want to stop by early, because these will not last long. 

I asked my sister, Maxine, an astute digger, to tell me a little more about these books. Here’s what she said. I’m including some photos, too. 

I have 2 books and I will show you samples of each book.  I call my books “silent books” because the child can look at them and they are not noisy.  I try to use several senses to keep them interested.  The first book is just books of the Bible.  I apply stickers to each page and then the child has room to apply any stickers of their choice.  The colorful pages will hopefully help them remember the books of the Bible.  The second book is my “story book”. I have tried to write stories that use the lesson application.  I have many pages with pages of stickers that the child can apply. 

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Digging Deep: Start Inviting

Kick-off for Digging Deep 2024-25 is just six weeks away. Topic reveal from PTP-Sevierville is just a month out. I hope you are inviting your friends. The WORD will change their lives, especially those who may be outside of Christ. Last week, I was at PTP-Branson and was immersed in encouragement because of the power of the WORD in lives: 

A cancer survivor who found the Comfort study just as she was diagnosed. She kept saying “It got me through.” 

A group of diggers that has planted three more groups of diggers in surrounding towns. 

A group of diggers which has become a respite for a mother who is grieving mightily the death of her daughter. 

A woman in her eighties who was invited to study by a woman in her thirties and this eighty-year-old has, thus,  become an extra grandmother to four babies under four years old, as the younger of the two (and her good husband) is doing a phenomenal job rescuing a group of embryos for life and then, heaven! 

A bunch of women from bunches of places who came to investigate and begin studying. This is always the best. You don’t know what you are missing till you get in the WORD!

A mama who just emptied her nest and, who simultaneously cared for her mother as she passed on to glory. She is really grieving (I can so relate to that. I was not a happy empty-nester, while losing parents.), but she is trusting the WORD, studying along, and evangelizing. She is finding His blessings still. 

Spanish translators, Marlon and Jacky Retana, who are chomping at the bits to get the new study translated for Spanish speaking sisters. Their work is here, if you would like to see what they do:

I’m just saying: Cindy Colley does not ever change lives. Digging Deep does not necessarily change lives. The friendships and closeness of the groups do not always change lives. The fun we have with t-shirts and mugs and tea towels does not change lives. But the WORD changes lives! I’m just telling you, you will never get to the bottom of the knowledge and every single bit of it will be relevant-to-the-max to whatever it is you are going through. The WORD never fails. It IS the lamp to our feet and the light for our lifetime’s pathways (Psalm 119:105).

SO be the conduit for positive, eternal change. Ask a friend to dig in the WORD with you. New study starts September 1st. I’m already there in my heart!

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Digging Deep Sneak Peek 2025…Getting Excited!

The Colley House is getting excited about the new study to be announced in late August. Target start date for this study is September 1st. Mark it on your calendar. Invite a friend to study along. Make it a group or a class. Remember there will be a printed study guide or defer to the free downloadable one. But make plans now. So often, a sister contacts me in November and says, “I wish I’d known about this last summer.” It’s okay to jump in anywhere at any time. But it’s more fun to jump in on September 1st with your new book, pen and highlighters in hand and get ready for the first dig-a-bits and podcast. It’s fun to do it in sync. Here’s the blurb from DD 2024-25:

In the conversation at the wedding feast, once again, Mary was in the moment. It was, to her, important to do something about the embarrassing shortage of wine. Somehow Mary had something to do with the host and the party and she was concerned about a hostesses nightmare. Jesus, in His “Woman, what do I have to do with you?” answer was, again, pointing to a bigger mission for which the time was approaching, but had not yet come. The miracle, itself, was a kind gesture, and it began a process that would take Him to the cross, but Jesus seemed to be gently saying, “Mother, there are bigger fish to fry. I have some problems to overcome, but wine at a wedding is not part of the big picture, here.” Yet he went on and made his mother happy, in her moment. 

I think it had to be this way. How could Mary have had any semblance of normalcy or happiness if her life had always been about the cross. How could the relationship between mother and son have been the full experience of humanity and trials as we know them, if Christ had not shielded his mother from some of the burden that no human could fully understand, anyway? And doesn’t that make the whole life of Jesus, from the standpoint of His humanity, so much—so much of a sacrifice— when relationships that were precious were also lost and in need of the darkest moment in human history that was his piercing?

And I do think it is a little like that in our “talks” with heaven. If I am praying for the bone not to break before I can get the baby to the ER, or if I am praying for the decision we are making about a home purchase, or if I am praying about the choice of curriculum for my child, must it seem to Jesus, my advocate in heaven, that I am in the moment? Must He smile and say, “Cindy Colley is doing the best she can, but she cannot think fully in “redemption mode“ yet? I will hear her pleas and heaven will answer her, because she is in me. I have paid her price. One day she will see me face to face and the trials and challenges of the road will seem nothing.” It seems that this must be something like reality when I think about my finite self in prayer.