Today, I dropped my husband at the airport at 7:15 a.m. (He recovered from all injuries!) I then traveled to Nashville to pick up all those back-ordered copies of the new Digging Deep book. (They were heavy!)I went to the wrong loading dock first and the prankster at the loading dock told me that my printing company had suddenly gone out of business. He was NOT funny! Eliza Jane and I finally got those boxes and boxes of books loaded and started home. We grabbed a quick bite on the way home (The bite was a large one.) and made it home in time to drop (She recovered too!) Eliza back at home, and then I turned around and went back into town for a doctor’s appointment. I then ran home (I was out of breath.) and baked cookies for our Digging Deep time tonight (We dug way deeply without heavy equipment.)
I wrote the above paragraph, without the parentheses, last night and then put the laptop down because I kept dropping it on my face as I was lying there trying to communicate to you. I’m sleep deprived, lately! When proofreading that paragraph this morning, before an 8 a.m. dentist appointment, I realized just how very frequently we use figures of speech or idioms in our speaking and writing. Just in this little exercise, I became acutely aware of how often it is in Bible study that we need to research what an idiom used in Scripture may actually have meant in the day, and to the audience, in which it was communicated; things like “a camel through the eye of a needle”( Mark 10:23)), or “Abraham ’s bosom” (Luke 16:22), or “eat their own bread” (2 Thessalonians 3:12), or “drink water from your own cistern” (Proverbs 5:15). I’m just throwing this in (I have a good throwing arm.) randomly, because it hit (ouch, again) me so BIG this morning, but let’s watch for idioms as we study these conversations.
The podcast is tonight here at 7:00 CST: Hannah Colley will join me. (It’s been too long. I’m excited about this co-host!) Today is a great day to invite someone to view the podcast and study along. It’s easy catch-up through November, so it’s not too late. I did get all those books unloaded into the basement, so if you ordered in September, your book will arrive shortly. We are working hard and we are so sorry for the delays that some of you have encountered. More books can be ordered currently without a long wait for shipping.
I’m listing below the very limited sizes of t-shirts and hoodies we have left. The t-shirts are 20 dollars and the hoodies are 34 dollars (plus postage). If you want a shirt or hoodie, the ONLY way to get one is to email me at Please don’t text me or call me or FB message me. Email this address. I will let you know if I still have one for you as I fill these orders, first-come/first serve. I’ve had lots of ladies notify me in so many different venues that I can never know who was first. So THE way to get one (or more) is by emailing
Please go ahead and list your address and the size you need from these limited sizes. If I have it, I will mail it to you and include the amount owed in your package. We just have a few (sometimes even just one) of each size, so we will just fill as many as we can in the order received in that email account only. I’ll post a list soon of those who should be watching for a shirt or hoodie! Thanks so much for being so patient with us.
Here’s what we have:
T-shirts sizes, as of now:
Hoodie sizes, as of now: