Not important, but time-sensitive: If you want a shirt or hoodie, the order has to be in by 11 pm tonight! They are here:!/Digging-Deep/c/20688312
Welcome to the study. I can see that MANY of you have already begun. I’m excited to begin today. Please keep inviting others. Refer them to this video for clarity about the simple process of studying along. ( If you have already started, you are seeing that the study will give clarity to the right division of the Word (2 Timothy 2:15) to the novice Bible student. This is critical, of course, to those seeking His will for salvation.
Just this morning, I have received messages about ladies from three different denominations who have committed to studying along. I’m praying hard about this study. I’m especially praying for study mentors who saturate this group for all seekers who are joining. Please let me know if there are souls that can use my help (although it’s meager) in any way. Heaven is the goal and none of us are going to ever get there without the knowledge that Bible study gives us! Every single person in this group has the same information from heaven. In that spiritual sense, we are all on equal footing as we start this profound study. I’m so thankful we can get in the Word together. The power for salvation is in the Word (Romans 1:16).
Let’s give THE TEN our best. Whatever our hands find to do today, let’s do it heartily (vehemently, with the sense of completion) as to the Lord, for it’s the Lord Christ we are seeking to please. This diligence has a reward and it is for everyone who avails herself of the privilege of vehemently seeking. I know you will see that this year!
And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons.
Colossians 3:23-25