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Digging Deep for Men

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

The Shipping Tsunami Has Hit the Colley House!

We are thankful for the wonderful time of learning and fellowship in which many of you participated at the West Huntsville SPARK 2021. Many of you were present and even more participated to some extent online. Women are consistently telling me it is exactly what they needed. Many add “I did not even know how badly I needed this!” (I am one of the women who felt that exact way!)

And now the real muscle work starts. here is what you need to know. We are expediting shipping as quickly as we possibly can. The Colleys have plates that are spilling out all over table right now, but we are committed to getting orders to you in the very most efficient way possible. Your patience is always a testimony to the kind of women who are in the WORD. We’re just thankful for that about you!

Next, NOTICE: THE LAST DATE ON WHICH YOU MAY ORDER A T-SHIRT OR A HOODIE WILL BE SEPTEMBER 10TH! We are going to print them one last time once we get all the orders in. Tell your friends because it makes us so sad every year when we have folks who REALLY wanted one, but didn’t get the order in. They are very expensive to print after this second printing in September, so we will not be printing after that. You can order them (and all DD-related items) here:!/Digging-Deep/c/20688312

Finally, tell your husbands about the men’s study that will complete a very good couple’s Bible study for the year. Even if he is studying on the break at work and you are studying before the day begins, this study will give you fodder for spiritual conversation whenever those moments give you opportunity– conversation that will enrich your marriage and make your home stronger. Your godly husband will need to decide what’s best for his personal study, but I wouldn’t miss suggesting this to Him!

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

New YouTube Channel for Digging Deep!

It’s here, at last. One more way to access Digging Deep materials. This YouTube channel is specifically for housing the podcasts for Men’s Digging Deep, but, of course, its content is applicable right now to ladies studies, as well. You will find them beneficial–meaty and relevant. Be sure and re-invite your husbands and dads and brothers and boyfriends to take a look here, too.

Also remember the full details for the men’s program are here:                                 

And lastly, don’t forget the app for women’s podcasts is at GBN ready for download.
We’re so blessed to have access to these supplemental materials. Your family will be doubly blessed if both spouses are digging! You don’t have to do Digging Deep to go to heaven, But you have to be in the Word!
The good news is really all in one book. Make your life better. Make it eternal.
Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Digging Deep for Men Launches Tomorrow

I’ve been pretty excited about this. The Gospel from Ground Zero, the brand new men’s Digging Deep study launches, alongside the eight-year-old women’s study, tomorrow. Caleb Colley has been working early and late to launch this study. I’m convicted, of course, about the power of the Word to change families and make the church stronger. I’m especially excited to see more organized study among the dads in our families. So many heartaches are happening in the hearts of women who struggle with submission in the home and, sometimes,  it’s because we live in a world that’s trying hard to confuse the roles–stripping men of the godly leadership that’s vital for holiness in homes. The way to grow Godly leaders is by getting in the Word. Getting in the Word is the way we grow obedient faith in hearts and in all aspects of our Christianity (Romans 10:17). We cannot overestimate the power of the Holy Spirit, through the Word, to make us stronger–better equipped to do battle with the devil’s forces that would careen our homes. I hope women of God will share this with Christian (and non-Christian) men in their congregations and communities. Some precious children are in for a wonderful gift from heaven when their fathers grow in the Word. Here’s the link:

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Temporary Digs

Much is happening and very fast this week at The Colley House. It’s just two days till the official beginning of “Authority”, the study that’s been wrapped around my mind since last March. I hope that it is as helpful to your walk with Him as it has already been to mine. I just have a new and keener awareness of the importance of resting under His authority. It is very comforting to know I can say and teach counter-cultural things without fear IF there is His Word on the matter, or even if there is a necessary application of His Word that pairs with a sense of smallness and submission to Him. The study has already made me think a lot about why we would ever want to try and see “what we can get by with”—in worship, morality, marriage, etc…instead of just saying “How can I rest in the assurance that I know I am doing His Will?” For me, it has already tweaked my thinking, giving me assurance that I can know and do His will, IF I am humble before it. Therein lies the challenge, of course. I am praying that the study gives us spiritual muscle for that challenge. Isn’t it “funny” that we need spiritual muscle to submit? It seems like submitting would just be resting and letting Him take control. But, as you know, submission is harder than resistance when we live in this fallen world. (The details are here:

TEMPORARY is the watchword when we think about this old world. So let’s dig into the Word. Let’s dig all the way to the unbroken, not-fallen, ever-standing, world around the eternal throne! I hope lots of you are with me on the Authority study. But it’s okay if you’re not…as long as you are in the Word. 

Exciting times at Caleb and Bekah Colley’s house, too. I know you have been watching our new Maggie grow. After all, what else would you be doing when somebody that beautiful is rolling through your news feed? But my amazing daughter-in-law birthed  a baby and a book in the same week (and my son delivered both!) Her chat  rooms for your teen girls are just about to begin and you can find all the information about that here:  The book is “Tracing Him” and it does a good job of just that—all through the eras of time. It’s strength for the spirit of any woman of any age, but your teen girls are going to love the online interaction and activities. Young souls will be growing toward heaven and getting ready for their own parenthood and positive kingdom influence. 

Last, but maybe most exciting, is what I’m hearing about everywhere I go. (Okay, I go to worship a lot!) Guys are getting excited about the men’s brand new, first-time Digging Deep study:  “The Gospel from Ground Zero.” Caleb is its editor, God is its author, and I have never seen so many busy men wanting to take time to grow in the Word.  Watch for details THIS weekend here: Praying for whatever His will is for this small DD seed that Caleb and brethren are planting as this study begins. 

It’s a bustling time. My kitchen looks like a postal scene from “Miracle on 24th Street” or that one scene in “The Santa Clause”. The lady at our little Ryland post office, Mindy Falzone, is undaunted as Glenn backs up the SUV to her door to unload. She’s the best. 

God is REALLY the best. I’m so glad we get to do fun things like DD to be a little tiny part of growth in His body on this earth. One day we will be through digging for answers—about Abraham or David or Paul or Peter— and we’ll just ask around for the answers.  Around the throne.