We are thankful for the wonderful time of learning and fellowship in which many of you participated at the West Huntsville SPARK 2021. Many of you were present and even more participated to some extent online. Women are consistently telling me it is exactly what they needed. Many add “I did not even know how badly I needed this!” (I am one of the women who felt that exact way!)
And now the real muscle work starts. here is what you need to know. We are expediting shipping as quickly as we possibly can. The Colleys have plates that are spilling out all over table right now, but we are committed to getting orders to you in the very most efficient way possible. Your patience is always a testimony to the kind of women who are in the WORD. We’re just thankful for that about you!Next, NOTICE: THE LAST DATE ON WHICH YOU MAY ORDER A T-SHIRT OR A HOODIE WILL BE SEPTEMBER 10TH! We are going to print them one last time once we get all the orders in. Tell your friends because it makes us so sad every year when we have folks who REALLY wanted one, but didn’t get the order in. They are very expensive to print after this second printing in September, so we will not be printing after that. You can order them (and all DD-related items) here: https://thecolleyhouse.org/store#!/Digging-Deep/c/20688312
Finally, tell your husbands about the men’s study that will complete a very good couple’s Bible study for the year. Even if he is studying on the break at work and you are studying before the day begins, this study will give you fodder for spiritual conversation whenever those moments give you opportunity– conversation that will enrich your marriage and make your home stronger. Your godly husband will need to decide what’s best for his personal study, but I wouldn’t miss suggesting this to Him!