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Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

“I’m struggling with all of this…”

It’s difficult not to be discouraged right now. Cases of Covid in our churches are on the rise and we see real footage of suitcases hidden under tables, supposedly full of ballots in Georgia. We start to lose faith in the credibility of things that are important in our lives. We’re short on hugs and smiles and, sometimes, the angst from that shortage is almost a disease within itself. Meanwhile, all the diseases of all recent years just keep on marching into our families, communities, and congregations….And the devil is not quarantined. He’s busy spreading spiritual disease. In fact, he’s more unmasked than ever!

It’s important to spend time focusing on the ONE thing that cannot change for the worse. We have one thing that really does matter. Our Digging Deep exercise last month from Romans 5 is helpful in putting that in perspective. How is our salvation (that ONE thing that eclipses the short-term, come what may) described in that chapter that’s brimming with comfort and peace?

Justification by faith

Peace with God

Access by faith onto grace

Justification by his blood

Salvation from wrath

Reconciliation with God by the death of His Son

Salvation by the life of His Son



Free gift

The Grace of God

A gift by grace, by one man


An abundance of grace

An abundance of the gift of righteousness

Justification of life

The making of righteousness


Eternal life

I still have all of this! Even if I die, I still have all of this! It’s important to be in the Word because that’s the source of the antibody against depression. Don’t feel bad about having the blues right now. I think all normal people are mentally and/or emotionally struggling. But constantly reminding ourselves of Colossians 3:2 is empowering to Christians. Focus on light is everything when we walk through darkness. Our dear brother, John Moore, added, as he realized the gravity of a near-death experience and gave thanks that his life had been spared, “but the alternative would have been good, too.”

We always have an alternative. And it is a great one.

Set your mind on things above, and not on things of the earth.   Colossians 3:2


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