That was my most embarrassing moment of the Christian Training Series, held each second full week in July, on the campus of Freed Hardeman University. Now I want to tell you about other moments of the week. There was the moment the President of FHU addressed the attendees and made me very thankful that the university is being led by a man who believes in the authority of the scriptures and the New Testament pattern for the worship and organization of the church. There was the moment when I heard the first of four excellent chapel presentations on New Testament worship by Stan Mitchell of the FHU Bible faculty. There were the moments when I heard numerous Christian women encouraging each other and making decisions to go home and implement things they had learned in order to make their congregations grow. There were lots of moments when I thought the singing could hardly be any better if we had already crossed through the pearly gates. There were the bus trips to restaurants and sweet times of fellowship. There were memorable moments of intense prayer and silly moments of laughing at corny jokes. There were amazing teacher workshops and luncheons centered on the Restoration Movement. There were very funny talent shows and games. These were all the moments that make up one of my favorite times of the year: CTS at FHU.
Now several readers have already indicated to me that they would love to have known about this week earlier in the year, so they could have planned to take off and participate. I hope if you are reading this now and you want to benefit from the best-kept secret in the brotherhood, you will go now to and click on the Christian Training Series. Go ahead and mark it on your calendar. Housing for the week is in very clean and comfortable rooms and apartments. The lectures and workshops are all in a very beautiful building and the fellowship is some of the best this side of heaven. The fee is likely the most nominal you will find for any program of this quality. Speakers and planners are very generous to largely donate time and talent to keep the costs down for those who attend.
You could go home next summer energized and ready to bring souls to the Lord. You could go and enjoy “living it up” with fellow-Christians who have the same upward focus. (Of course you could come home after living it up and realize you’ll forever be trying to live it down!)