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Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Congratulations 5000th Digging Deep Member, Tina Martin!

Digging Deep congratulates 5000th member, Tina Martin, this morning! What started as a Wednesday afternoon lesson at Polishing the Pulpit and then a dozen young girls studying together on Facebook has, with the blessings of our God. become a 5000 member group of women who are into a study of how we gain the victory over the devil in 2017 (  It has taken some key elements that He has providentially provided…technology, fellowship, the origination of the study  and the catalyst of Polishing the Pulpit (, a great overseeing eldership at West Huntsville (, Jennifer Benavides, and many hearts that are hungry. It’s humbling to get to be a little part of a great movement to study the book that can enable us to live forever with Him. I’m very happy for the fellowship and strength that comes from Digging Deep.

Several new avenues of sharing the study are opening up this fall. We now have a completed Spanish version of the study going up today on The Colley House, thanks to Jacky and Marlon Retana. They are faithful and dear people, who currently live and work in Panama. Jacky plans to educate herself about all-things-podcast and provide a Spanish podcast, as well. So invite your Spanish speaking friends. Esta Bueno!

Next, we’re toying with the idea of having an alternate audio podcast for those who prefer to listen while running or driving or cooking rather than watching and visiting the chatroom. Let us know if you’d be interested in this option and it will help us to know about which equipment we need and how to best record this alternative podcast access.

Finally, there’s a new online study this fall for teen girls, called Finding Him. It’s excellent material designed to mold hearts to want to please our Father–to love Him.  For more details about that visit The first online chatroom opens tomorrow night!

So Tina Martin, it’s your lucky day! Put a decimal right in the middle of 5000 and you get $50.00. (Decimal necessary.) Just go to The Colley House and choose $50.00 worth of merchandise. Facebook me and let me know what you’d like, leave your address, and you’ll receive this gift bundle with our compliments! Congratulations, Tina! I hope your biggest blessing is not the bundle, but the study! So glad you (and 400 other women) have joined the group in recent days. Please pray for every soul in the group, every month’s study, and especially for women who may really need the initial escape from sin and death We’re off to the greatest escapes!



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