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Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Questions and Answers: How Do I Host a Prayer Group?

1081077_10201428867939317_654433452_nThis question’s from a sweet Digging Deep participant who’s chosen, for her August challenge, to do a ladies prayer meeting. This can only be a plus for her congregation!

Question: I ‘m going to take you up on that Digging Deep challenge of prayer group meeting. How’d you do yours? I’ve hosted Bible studies, a tea, fellowships, game nights, and more at home but never a prayer meeting. I thought of having the ladies split up into small groups (in dining room/kitchen/living room and each small group pray for that groups specific needs…then meet up for a large group where I lead a prayer for unified needs-our elders-our new school year/new teaching quarter, Fall Ladies Retreat, etc…. then dessert of course! Thoughts?

Response: It’s really hard to improve on that! It sounds wonderful! Just make sure all of the ladies have a pad of paper and a pen, so they can go home with a prayer list that includes the needs of precious sisters. In fact, it might even be a good idea to put these requests in some online format, as well… maybe a closed facebook prayer group, so ladies can add and encourage in between meetings! So proud of this Kentucky group! So thankful for you, Sister… and happy always about dessert. =)

P.S. We’d love to hear what you are doing during reach-out month, too. You can encourage us all. Facebook or email me. I read First Peter today and caught a couple of blockbuster sanctification passages in there. It’s a rich book. I am excited to finish up this study and kick-off a brand new study on August 27th, live from Polishing the Pulpit. I hope you can join us.

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