The Adventures of Digger Doug is available at
I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to talk with me recently at the Ladies Day at Riverbend church of Christ in Dalton, Georgia (it was in April). I really enjoyed the lesson you and Hannah gave on Hospitality. It was very nice to see you both and visit with you guys! I always enjoying hearing and studying with the saints! Both of your lessons inspired me and I have taken things from those lessons and tried to implement them.
Also at the Ladies Day I bought “Best of Series: Home and Heart” which I have enjoyed so very much I can’t even begin to tell you and I look forward to hearing them over and over. I was recently in Chattanooga, or should say I went to Chattanooga on purpose so that I could buy “Best of Series: Women in the Church” and my kids some new Apologetic Press books and of course Digger Doug (These are from Love the Women in the Church series as well and I want to become more useful and this has been a great learning tool for me. I hope to be able to put what I have learned from these lessons to work! I am so eager and wanting to do that!…
Have a great day!
Kellee Southlin
Classes for Women |
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Classes for Men |
You can get them at There are easy ones for pre-readers and beginning readers and now there are the new advanced editions. The newest editions were written by Caleb Colley. and are entitled “Amazing Migrating Birds” and “The Amazing Human Body.” Last weekend I carried stacks of those two with me to a ladies day and one grandmother just bought them up for stocking stuffers for all of her grandchildren. Now there is an eternity savvy grandmother! That’s what I want to be one day.
Again, you can go to to order. I am not an employee of AP, nor do I receive compensation for this “ad” or any orders placed with them. But I would not have wanted to raise my kids without their resources. I know their faith is stronger because of exposure to AP’s materials. I want that for all kids in the family of God!
And when you get it, if you listen carefully, you can hear Yours Truly in the back up section of at least one song (and that was great fun)! I wish I had been able to play this CD in the car when my kids were growing up. I’m getting a copy for my SUV anyway. Be impressed when I’m able to talk intelligently about geology (in rhymes) in a future post.
But nothing could be farther from the truth. We as Christian moms are so blessed to have at our fingertips a wealth of information that can show us the research we need to answer the “textbook truths” of evolution to which our children will be exposed. Find the stories of highly intelligent and accomplished scientists who believe(d) in God. Find up-to-date archaeological evidence that the Bible is from God. Discover the detailed and complete historical accuracy of the Bible. Find the answers to questions about the age of the earth and whether dinosaurs co-existed with men. Find out the secrets of science that are NOT being printed in textbooks—secrets that severely damage or destroy the credibility of the theory of Organic Evolution. Find age appropriate materials to help inform and prepare your kids to face the foes of their faith.
My mom did not have this amazing resource. I am so thankful I did. It’s Don’t raise kids without it. It’s free. It’s user friendly and it just might make an eternal difference in the hearts of your children.