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9000th member of DD

Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Digging Deep Reaches 9K!

Congratulations to Allison Gray who, a little earlier this week became the 9000th member of Digging Deep! This is way beyond amazing to me. Eleven years ago, when we started with 12 members and providentially left the flood gate open, who would have thought? God’s way are higher than ours and His thoughts are beyond our mental capacities (Is. 55:8,9). He is simply glorious. He has given us every member, every study guide, every new Christian’s baptism, every podcast, every avenue of information. He is the Giver of all good gifts (James 1:17). Will you praise the Giver with me today?

With a little stalking, I think Allison may be from Memphis, TN. She was invited by her friend Lori (but there are 41 Loris in Digging Deep) Allison, in answering membership preliminary questions, says she loves to worship anywhere. I like that. I do, too. If you know Allison, welcome her! Tell her to private message me her address and I will send out her prize package, including the current study guide. Here’s what she will get (The value of the package is $60.00):

Speaking of the current study guide, I hope you are digging into the study of the Spirit this month already. It’s rich and has always been a helpful study to me in “handling aright the word of truth.” It’s a month that will bless years of future study, if God gives them to you.

(Within the next few days, we will be making a final decision about Israel in October/November of this year. If you have registered, let me know privately if you would prefer going ahead with our fall plans for 2022, even with all the vaccine-or-quarantine requirements or if you want to reschedule the DD trip for 2023 when it’s very likely that the requirements will be much relaxed and you can go without a vaccine or quarantine. Your input is appreciated if you are registered.)


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