Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Survey About Sexual Abuse

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Statistics are alarming and I am not at all sure that they correctly assess the magnitude of the problem. I do know that more and more young women that I know are carrying the baggage of sexual abuse as they come of age. Coming to terms with the perceived guilt, the feelings of worthlessness and shame, and the typical moral destruction of innocence lost prematurely is more than most people can overcome in this lifetime.

In an effort to help women of God minister to this sadly growing number of broken lives, Glenn Colley of  THINK magazine (Focus Press) has commissioned a young woman, Tabitha Barker, to research and address this issue in a series of articles. If you have input on the following series of questions, we would appreciate any responses, particularly if you have suffered from sexual abuse in your life or because of it in the life of a loved one. You will be completely anonymous. If you wish to maintain your anonymity even from the author you may use Tabitha’s postal address. Her contact info is at the bottom of this post. Please feel free to answer the survey in part if you do not wish to answer all the questions.

Here are the questions:

Why do you think the topic of sexual abuse is so hard to discuss?

How did the uncomfortable atmosphere surrounding sexual abuse affect how and when you sought help?

What is the most helpful thing anyone ever said or done to help you deal with the issues that arise as a victim of sexual abuse?

What was the hardest aspect of healing?

What is the one thing you wish people in the position to help should know?

Did your sexual abuse cause you to become involved in other destructive behaviors? Can you elaborate?

Did anyone in the church help you recover and, if so, was this a minister or sister, or elder, etc…?  Please feel free to comment.


Thanks very much for participating. Please send your responses to: OR

Tabitha Barker
153 Mallard Pt,
Pelham AL 35124

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