Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley Cindy Colley

Six blessed people opened the door last year!

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Last year, some of you participated in this exciting synchronized door-knocking event. Of course, anytime a person opens the door to hear the gospel, it’s exciting. But when scores of thousands of doors are knocked in one day, our God will enter more homes and be glorified in many places at once! The gospel will find multiple receptive hearts. That’s what is still happening from last year’s national door knocking day and we’re hoping to keep right on knocking, just in more places. Matt Wallin, whose big passion for lost souls makes him the impetus behind this event, says this:

“Good morning brothers and sisters! We have an exciting idea that we want to invite you to be a part of. On October 2, 2021 we will once again join with hundreds of congregations of the church of Christ and dozens of brotherhood works for the Second Annual Brotherhood Wide Door Knocking Day. Our goal is to get at least 1000 churches of Christ going into their communities on the same day.

Sign up for free at to join hundreds of sister congregations. When you sign up you will receive door knocking tips and videos to help you get excited, encouraged, and prepared. Signing up will also let us know how many churches are participating so that we can all encourage each other.

You’ve worked with us before to share the truth with your friends and family. Will you join us in taking those gospel truths to your neighbors? Visit to get prepared and purchase things to share with your neighbors, and then sign up to join us!

A knock could change everything. Let’s go meet our neighbors.”

Last year, at least six lives were changed by the gospel. 6 X eternity. 6 X infinity. 6 X lifetimes of influence. You can’t even finish that equation. The product is better than we can know! So go ahead now and get this on your calendars. Let’s make a giant open door for the gospel! Someone who opens a door on October 2 may be the gospel preacher who will bring hundreds to the Lord. Someone who answers may be holding the baby who will grow up and be the elder who shepherds a large flock of God’s people. After all, some of you who are reading are people who, long ago, opened the door to the best day, the best news, of your lives!




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