Anna Adams is the winner of the annual Bless Your Heart contest. She submitted a great story about her grandfather who was determined for her to believe in Santa! Contact me, Anna, and receive your prize from
For today and everyday, remember He came to die for us when we were yet sinners….
Till Jesus
No offering for sin, No day at life’s end,
No victory to win…till Jesus.
No light in the night , no strength for the fight,
No plan for my plight…till Jesus.
No redemption story, no Bethlehem glory,
No empty grave, no power to save,
No gospel for taking to all of the nations,
No people of God for sanctification,
No song for the angels, no purpose, no peace,
No rest for the soul, for its guilt,no release.
No Shepherd leading, no one interceding
No self sacrifice, no pearl of great price.
No Saviour slain, no blessing in pain,
No heaven to gain…till Jesus.
No crosses to bear, no comfort in prayer,
No crown to wear…till Jesus.