You don’t want to miss the “Living With Purpose” seminar scheduled for September 24th and 25th at West Huntsville! This event for women of God is full of strength and encouragement from the Word and it only happens every two years. So collect your car load or van load and go and register at Hurry! There’s free housing in homes, hotel discounts and plenty of free food. (Someone I know and love is hoping to smoke us some delicious meat. And he IS a smoking phenomenon!) I’ve heard from women as far away as Louisville, Kentucky, the Kansas City, Missouri area, and Gloucester, Virginia who have already registered. I’m so excited about this day. Serenity, if I am counting correctly, will have 13 overnighters that Friday night (and it will smell like “Dreamland BBQ” around here!
We will start on Friday night with our “Sweet Hour Of Prayer” I can’t wait for this time with you. It really does “call me from a world of care.” Bring your prayer requests and we will go before the throne. On Saturday, the lessons from Kathy Pollard will be meaty and practical. You will go home with an increased stamina for jumping over the hurdles that Satan is putting in your path. You’ll be a better wife, mother, grandmother, daughter and/or sister. Honing in on life’s purpose will have positive ramifications in every area of your life. The bonus part of the day will be a mini Bible marking class. I am all-in for that!
For those who register before the 11th of September, t-shirts will be available. The discounted hotel housing must also be reserved by that date. In-home housing is available up until seminar time, as long as it lasts. Feel free to call 256-895-8717 (church office) if you have questions.
It’s been requested that we have Digging Deep shirts and tumblers there, too, so I will try to have a few of those in case you didn’t get yours at PTP or online. You can still order those at The Colley House store. The PTP special will expire on September 18th, so get your order in now!
This weekend, I’ll be in Bremen, Georgia at the Bremen church of Christ talking about “True Success.” I’m shooting for both practical and challenging, with a big shot of how to counter the culture in the hearts of the next generation. So, if you are in the area, come! I’ll be speaking three times at this event. The seminar in Bremen begins at 9 am EST on Saturday.
Then I will be back home on Sunday morning for the exciting kick-off to our Fall gospel meeting with BJ Clarke. That will be at 9 am CST on Sunday. Following our worship and classes we will have the meal that will challenge your diet (but it will be worth it) in our fellowship hall. That will be followed by an afternoon worship at about 1:15. We will have nightly services Monday through Wednesday at 7 pm. I heard BJ speak a few days ago to about 2000 people at the Polishing the Pulpit conference. It was over before I could fathom the time having passed! So rich. So important. I cannot wait to hear him again. SO come!
Finally, it’s not too late to start the 2015-2016 dig into the Word with us. It’s a relevant and Biblical study that’ll get you ready to stand when the Word and your conviction in its truth is attacked. You WILL face ridicule if you faithfully live the godly life (II Tim. 3:12). the study is here: Persecution: For Righteousness’ Sake
Next time: “Sister to Sister: Another Chance” continues.