Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Sister to Sister: One More About the New Study!

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AlissaHanna(Remember that the Digging Deep t-shirt deadline is today (9/8) at noon. Several have contacted us asking about t-shirts ordered but not received. We do have to order all of the t-shirts from the company in bulk. Thus shortly after we have all of the orders in, we will place the order with the shirt company. Their turn around time is minimal since they already have the design ready from our previous order for PTP (the ones we gave away on stage and the ones purchased at the book-signing table.) So all of the shirts will be mailed at once within the next couple of weeks. We appreciate your patience. If you do not have your shirt prior to October 1st, please do let us know.

More importantly, we are blessed to have hundreds of women participating in the new prayer study. New groups, individuals and classes are popping up around the country and some even around the world.  One school teacher wrote to me and told me about a group of denominational girls who are studying along with her on Thursday mornings before classes begin in her local public school. What a great encouragement she is to me and what a blessing she is in that school! Another encourager is Alissa Hanna who lives in Grand Bahama. Here’s the letter she sent to her sisters to invite them. Perhaps you know someone whose life may really be needing prayer. You may want to send such an e-mail or letter to someone you know.


Hello Sister,

I am excited about doing the Digging Deep Bible study series this year. I hope you will join me.
Here is a link to information to get you started from the author of the study. Attached is a Word version of the study by month (converted from pdf) so you can type your answers using a different color text (or whatever format you would like).
I hope you will devote yourselves to the study. You will be blessed by it! There are live podcasts ( audio and video Bible Studies on the topics once each month) that we can do as well… all of which are mentioned in the “getting started” blog (link provided above). If you were looking for a way to move to the next level in your walk with God, this is it!
Let’s grow together.

In Him,
Shameika Alissa

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