Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Sister to Sister: Links You’ll Like

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Blessed is what I am for having been a part of the West Huntsville seminar this last weekend. Nothing…NOTHING I could have been doing would have been a greater joy than what I was privileged to do with sisters last Friday night and Saturday. I love God’s system of fellowship and I love His sisterhood. All glory to the God who so lovingly provides!

51647 West Huntsville Church of Christ - Living with Purpose - Seminar for WomenToday is a day of linking you up with the stuff of the past couple of weeks. If you want to hear Kathy Pollard’s lessons from our West Huntsville ladies seminar (and you should want to!) go here: These lessons were excellent and we are indebted to Kathy for much time spent in preparation and prayer in advance and for travel and effort in coming to deliver them! It was a great weekend and, if you joined us, may I say a personal thanks. It meant a lot to me to see so many of you, who read the blog, live and in person.
If you want a t-shirt from the seminar, go here to order. We have a few left and we will try to take the order form off-line when we sell out. They’re SO pretty and they’re only $7.25 plus the cost of shipping.

11902329_10153223400334069_4584303358887639646_nNext, we have limited quantities of Digging Deep shirts left as well. You can order those here. I bought two of those for myself because I wanted a loose fitting one for sleep and jeans times and a snugger one for under sweaters. That’s probably too much information. They are all $14.00. The Digging Deep tumblers are $9.00. If you want a DD shirt and mug, you can get both for $20.00.11057325_10153223402374069_621797771850264280_n

The Digging Deep podcast is Tuesday night. I’m going to try to hibernate in between now and then and be ready to talk about the persecution of one of my favorite Bible characters when we come together here at 7:00 pm CT on Tuesday. Flori Barber will be joining me live then. Please invite others and let’s do this for 2015-2016! If you’re in North Alabama (or Southern Middle Tennessee), join us at West Huntsville for the pre-podcast discussion group study on Monday night (tonight!) at 6:30. This is a rich sharing time, as well. Lindsey Van Hook is leading that discussion.

So now you are all linked up.

I’ll close with my favorite encouraging word of the weekend. It comes from Lori Holland and it goes out to Denise Skelton, Hannah Giselbach, Nuris Reyes, Vickie Yocum, Katie Quintero, Amber Powell Kropelin, and who else? Here it is:

I would like to give all the precious mommas that are here (at the seminar) a virtual high five for bringing those sweet babies and kids and being determined to feast on the Word today. Mom on, ladies!

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