Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Sister to Sister: Jesus in John One

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john1You can’t really read this chapter without coming away with a deeper appreciation for God, the Son: the man, the God, the Savior, the Lord, the carpenter. You will take something new every time you read it. Below are the names of Jesus from John One and one simple truth taken from each name. This is not a deep commentary or even the result of research into the meanings of these words. It’s simply a personal reflection on what each means to me. I hope you will make a similar list if you are doing the Digging Deep study.

  1. Word. He is my instructor. With His life, with every recorded episode, he teaches me (Heb. 1: 1, 2)
  2. God. He is eternal and my creator.
  3. Light. He keeps me from wandering fearfully and aimlessly.
  4. Life. He is my hope of resurrection to live in heaven.
  5. Only Begotten of the Father. He is my only divine brother. I, as an adopted child, inherit with the Only Begotten Son.
  6. Lord. He has all authority over me; He can command.
  7. Lamb of God. He is the blood sacrifice; my Passover lamb.
  8. A Man. He left the splendor of heaven…for me.
  9. Son of God. He was conceived of the Holy Ghost. He IS holy.
  10. Jesus. He was called by this name as per the instruction of an angel (Matthew 1:21). It means “God is salvation.”
  11. Rabbi, Master. He is the great communicator; the master teacher.
  12. Messiah (Hebrew), Christ (Greek). He is the Anointed One and my High Priest.
  13. Jesus of Nazareth. He was, even among men, humble and lowly.
  14. Son of Joseph. He did ordinary things (carpentry), like I do.
  15. King Of Israel. He is the miraculous fulfillment of prophecy.
  16. Son of Man. He is uniquely qualified to intercede for me.

Be sure to make plans to join us for the January podcast on Monday, the 27th at 7 pm. CST at

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