Ezra Lee Giselbach met the people who’ve been loving him to the moon and back last Thursday at 11:45 am after a long night and morning of delaying his debut. He weighed 10 pounds and an ounce and he’s 20 inches. Yes, he was the “biggest” star on the baby wing for that week. He also, according to the nurse, claimed the record for the most visited baby in any recent history in that hospital. Just so blessed is what we are…just so over-the-top blessed.
Congratulations to Michelle Weaver, who wins the basket of parenting goodies from The Colley House for guessing the birth stats of Baby G. Now there were lots of entries and some very close competition, so we had to weigh some of the stats a little more heavily to determine a winner. First of all, any entry that did not include all four stats was disqualified. Next, those who were late were thrown out (those submitted past noon on 9/13). Next we picked out those who had selected the right date (the big birthdate stat that will follow him through life on official documents). Then we leaned heavily on weight. Since the odds (when comparing all newborns) were against his heavy weight, we thought anyone guessing a heavier weight on the right date would be a pretty good guesser. The length and time would have been used for tie-breakers. Michelle was the guesser who had the right date AND the heaviest weight. She wins! Let me know an address, Michelle, and your package will be on it’s way. It’s valued at approximately $140.00. (I’ll run a 40% off special for any readers who want the whole package if you email your order to byhcontest@gmail.com within the next week. Don’t buy it online. Just say you want the Baby Ezra special!) That would be all eleven products (that’s 11 Christmas or baby gifts) for $84.00.
Ezra has made many friends already and his very presence has graced me with lots of opportunities to serve. There’s always a list of jobs waiting at the Giselbach home, where I am visiting now…fun jobs like listening to what Ezra wants to tell me and then the less fun, but necessary jobs like cooking and cleaning, unpacking boxes, nursery modifications and making bows for the front door. (Okay, it’s all fun, but the direct contact with my Ezra is THE best. Sometimes, if his tummy is all full, he comes to sleep in MY bed!) Opportunities for writing are not really part of the picture right now, so I won’t…except to say that I thought I was excited to be Baby G’s grandmother BEFORE that amazing little boy looked in my eyes. But I did not even yet know what I was talking about. There is something very special about gathering with your family in a hospital room, thanking God for the safe delivery and perfect form of your daughter’s son. There is something profound and life-altering about pleading with THE Father for wisdom in directing that little baby’s soul to the throne. Every life-changing event is just intense and far-reaching for those families whose affections are around that throne. Life must be conversely shallow for those who are all wrapped up in the here and now. I want Ezra’s little life to be totally engulfed in the cause, immersed in the hope and directed in the Word. I want this for all of my future grandchildren. It’s funny how the tiniest soul can waltz into your life and exponentially increase your longing for heaven. Ezra is God’s heritage. May Hannah and Ben and all of those who influence Him protect the sweet heritage. May he be the first arrow in a quiver full!

“This is kind of a large number of people in this room with a bunch of high expectations for a five minute old !”
Here are some of my favorite pictures of Ezra Lee Giselbach: (And yes, If you see me in person, I will carry out the duty of all good grandmothers and show you some more. That used to be kind of rude behavior, but the culture is changing.)