Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Sister to Sister: Clicking Here and There

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431598_497839583567223_648183403_nA few things on this Monday morning deserve your attention. First, I’ve been meaning to mention to you all the great things you can find on The Light Network. Hope you’ve already been there, but, if not, be sure to click on over soon and flip on some lights that will make yours shine a little brighter for Him. I’ve especially been impressed with something they call “Wifey Wednesday”. It’s a weekly podcast segment that focuses on all things Christian wife. You’ll like it. Be warned, though. It will challenge you and step on your toes, at times. I’m especially thankful for two recent segments featuring my close sisters, Jennifer Benavides on Ministering to Others and Hannah Giselbach on Bringing Back the Romance. So, many thanks to Wifey Wednesday host, Emily Hatfield and to all the good folks over at The Light Network.

Second, if you’re doing the Digging Deep study, it’s almost time to start our study of the Holy Spirit. May 1st is the target date. Now, we do NOT want you to begin this study on May Day and drop out by Cinco de Mayo! The book is not necessary, but it may help keep you on track.  If you’re in a group and you want the group discount for the supplementary book “The Work of the Holy Spirit in Redemption”, click on over to The Colley House  for purchasing information. This book is a GREAT resource, whether you are doing the study or not. (While you’re there, check out the books for young adults for your graduation gifts. For girls, think about “GIFTS” or the “Pure on Purpose” set. For Guys, look at “Headed to the Office” or “GUARD”.  For your kindergarten graduates, you’ll find Hannah’s Hundreds and Digger Dougs. If you are ordering five or more items, contact me on FB for a BYH readers graduation discount!)

Thirdly, I’m hoping you’re thinking of joining us for part or all of the Christian Training Series at Freed Hardeman University in mid July. It’s the best kept secret among our lectureships. Small crowds, fun fellowship (even breakfast on the president’s lawn) and relationship-building for eternity! Click over and plan to take advantage of this great (and relatively inexpensive) week. Attendees are couples and singles, young and old. Once you go, you will want to make it an annual event. I’ll see you in the dorm!

Finally, Get your teens plugged in to Tomorrow’s Church, Today. I’m pretty impressed with what these kids have put together. It’s just an encouraging resource for teens who really want to be all for Him!

Yes. ALL for Him!

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