Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Sister to Sister: Christ over Color

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For several months, my husband, Glenn, and I have been soberly thinking and praying about the racial tension that has recurrently and  sharply divided many areas of our country, particularly in reference to recent developments relating to police shootings and resulting rioting and violence. Even more specifically, we have been concerned that there may be areas in which the unity of congregations of the Lord’s body may be at risk because of racial issues. Several sisters have asked me to examine relevant issues, pray about them and respond to concerns. I am going to give my best attempt to explain, in the next few issues of Bless Your Heart, some of the threats that I see to unity among sisters and some ways in which the Bible, our guide in all such matters can help us stay focused on His plan for our families, brown and white, to work together to be one in Him as we keep our eyes on heaven. I surely do not have all the answers and I know that my wisdom is far inferior to that of many readers who have been in the Word with great diligence for many years. Yet, I believe God’s Word is very clear on the way we are to treat one another with regard to individual differences in the body. I think we can emerge from such a study with humble hearts, a greater love for each other and a determination to never allow the influence of the flawed world around us to mold our views and treatment of one another in Christ. I believe the gospel of Christ is absolutely the answer to racial tension and division. I know I love His body and I want to offer whatever small voice I have to protect her from attitudes that are harmful and inhibitive of the spread of the good news of salvation! So, beginning next week: “Sister to Sister: Christ Over Color”.

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