Don’t Miss This Time with Sisters!
If you’ve never been able to attend the bi-annual ladies seminar at West Huntsville, you’ve missed some of the most fortifying material and fellowship to which I’ve ever been exposed. We think this year will be no exception.
As we’ve done in recent years, we will begin on Friday night at 7pm with our “Sweet Hour of Prayer.” It’s a time when we bring our needs before each other, but most importantly, before our Father—together. We spend time in prayer on Friday night and, then on Saturday, you’ll leave with a list of those sisters who have requested prayers….for souls, for the sick, for the hurting, for the rejoicers–so you can keep praying at home. Each time we’ve done this, our faith has grown as we, through ensuing months, have seen the answers to the petitions that emerged in this session. The truth is, God knows how to answer better than we know how to ask, but He wants us to ask! We do this in a rich time together on Friday night before our morning of study on Saturday.
Celine Sparks. our speaker this year for the Saturday sessions, is eminently qualified to encourage us. She will make you laugh—at yourself and at her. That will be a medicine for your soul (Proverbs 17:22). But she will call to your spirit, too, through the Word, to reach its full potential, letting the Word empower you to do things for the greatest cause on earth—things you may not have thought of doing before. I really believe souls will be saved as a result of the ripple effects of this seminar. They will be saved, first, because of the blood of Jesus, of course, but when we become more keenly and practically aware of the fact that we really can do all things through Christ (Phil. 4:13), we connect people to the saving blood. Maybe you will get an idea that will impact your child eternally. Perhaps you will have an “aha!” moment about what to say to a lost co-worker. Maybe someone you can bring with you will be encouraged to shed self-pity or an inward focus and, instead, focus on serving others and ultimately winning souls. Maybe your daughter will be stronger for some temptation that’s soon to be headed her way. Maybe you’ll find a book that is just what a struggling girlfriend is needing. Maybe you will leave with a renewed will to pray for a lost friend every day. Maybe some souls will be around the throne one day because of these few hours we have to refocus on the powerful influence we each can wield. This one hope makes every ounce of preparation and effort for the day far beyond “worth-it!”
I challenge you to share this invitation–not because it’s mine, but because it could make an eternal difference. Some of us cannot go to a foreign missionary site to teach home Bible studies. But everyone who reads this can share with someone. Everyone who attends can invite at least one someone to come with her. If everyone who reads would do those two things—share and personally invite another—I believe the day will have super power to strengthen our homes and congregations. You don’t have to be at the seminar to go to heaven, of course. But it just might help!
As always, there’s free housing and fellowship with our sweet ladies. Snacks and lunch are provided. You can register here: and you should do that today!(Scroll to the bottom for a menu that will direct you to all details! Feel free to print flyers for your group!) We hope all of our housing is all used up and all of our food is eaten! Don’t forget to share!