Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Sanctified! The 2012-2013 Digging Deep in God’s Word Study

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By Nadia Smith

Digging Deep 2012-13



It’s with joyful hearts that we finish the first year of what’s become an international ladies Bible study. One lady told my husband that she had learned more in this year of study than in all the previous studies of her lifetime combined. This lady is in her sixties. We all know that faith comes from the Word of God (Romans 10:17) and that it will naturally result from study. The fact that we grew this year is not attributable in any way to me or even the organization of the study. It is a natural outgrowth of the seed planted in hearts. It’s a blessing of the most direct sort from the Father. The group just helps us to stay on track by encouraging each other. There’s strength in numbers.

Maybe the most exciting thing about the study is that it has culminated in lots of women asking others for studies, since that was the assignment for the month of August. I’m really excited to discuss some of these studies on the podcast this Tuesday night and I am prayerful for the 22 studies, of which I’m personally aware, that are occurring. This is simply the pinnacle of the year for me. Please join us Tuesday at 7 CST in the chat room and call in with comments and questions on the topic of personal evangelism. Tell us about your studies. Here’s the link: Be watching also for a brand new keeper’s clip at this link on Tuesday night:

The new study begins September 1st. This is a great time to begin a brand new year’s study with us on the topic of Sanctification. Join the facebook group “Digging Deep in God’s Word” for extra motivation and study helps or, if you’re not into facebook, just join us in study using the guide below.

Preparing the study for this coming year has renewed my zeal to be set apart for the holy purposes of God as I walk through my days on this earth. I need to be constantly reminded that this world is a temporary journey to an eternal destination. It is not home. I should never really “feel at home” until I get there. But the great deceiver really wants us to be enamored by the shiny facade of the temporal. He wants to entangle us in the pursuits that would draw us from holiness. Let’s fight temptation with the Word, just as the Lord did on the mountain. Let’s study sanctification together and let’s help each other be His holy people.

Next Saturday is the target date. Invite your friends. Tell us about your progress in the facebook group. Let’s pray for each other and let’s be sanctified.

2012-2013 Digging Deep in God’s Word Study on Sanctification

By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all (Hebrews 10:10).

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