Today I ran across this article written ten years ago. It was packed with resolutions that have been honored in lives that are, ten years later, bringing honor to God in ways that we could not have known in 2010. Most, if not all, of these resolutions have materialized into glory. All of those who made these resolutions on that late night ten years ago are somewhere striving to faithfully serve Him. The preteens are in college now. Two of the college students are parents. For those who were in the room and for those who are working hard to bring glory to Him through your families today, and for the sweet souls added to this number, I repost. The patriarch has gone on to glory since the first writing. Both his influence and that of his wife, who had left us years before were palatable in the room that night and still today.
I have a feeling these resolutions will not be perfectly kept. I know there will be times when Dad will discourage someone. There will be times when Mom will not be the prayer warrior she wants to be. There will be times when the child will be selfish. There will be a morning when it will be very hard to get up and get busy; and there will be times when Bible study is abbreviated, at best. Life happens and we deal with it. But resolution is still a very good thing. We plan to evaluate these self-challenges in a year. And, if the resolve moves us in the direction we want to go, then the resolutions, in another year, will be a little more mature, a little more challenging, and, certainly, will bring us a little closer to heaven. When the resolve becomes weak and the temptation becomes strong, we still have the Father to shorten our faith gaps, promising us that there is no temptation so strong that He will not provide that way of escape (I Cor. 10:13). We want to look for God’s out in 2010. I hope fellow Christians will pray that we will always find the escape route. At the end of 2010, we want to be better people.
…And then we prayed. When we finished praying there were 47 seconds left in 2009; a year that had been full of undeserved blessings; a year of days that change all too quickly from pending to past. We counted down the final seconds and embraced each other into the New Year.
It’s a good life. It’s a wonderful time in a good life. It’s a good family with good intentions. And we serve a great God who can solidify the intentions of his focused people. We will soon have turned all of the corners of 2010 to find both the unexpected and the predictable eventualities. Everything on the agenda will soon be in the memoirs. When we look through the pages of the 2010 chapter, may it be a good read.