Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Remember the Encouragement Tree?

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So many of you during the holidays remembered anonymous sisters in need by praying, and sending cards. We had several hundred cards mailed in bulk to those ten women who were facing Herculean challenges in ordinary lives… challenges that the rest of us may be facing or eventually will face in one form or another. The sisterhood is a great fortress in the times of the devil’s assaults and a great shelter through our personal storms.

I would ask you to pray now for our sister Jane McWhorter whose body has been attacked by a vicious form of leukemia, but whose spirit is eagerly anticipating her much-anticipated homecoming with her Lord and with her prince of a husband, Don. She wants no mourning and weeping for her going. She asks that we rejoice with her as God gives her the ultimate desire of her amazing heart. The address for cards is 2336 6th Way NW Fayette Al 35555. If you have not read her books, you need to do yourself a BIG spiritual favor and get these for your personal library. They are available from Her writings, her friendship, and her encouragement to me are some of my most valuable blessings in this life. She will live on through many of her sisters and I am glad for every impact she has had on my life. They are many and profound. I am so grateful that I do not have to say a final good-bye to my friend.

I would also ask that you remember the West Huntsville church in your prayers in the coming weeks. Our oldest and dear elder, Arnold Wright, who has sacrificially lived for the family of God here, and who has literally taken the gospel around the world, is in his final weeks now as his body gives way to cancer. We know that there is a crown laid up for Him as he finishes the course, having valiantly kept the faith, but his fellow-elders are preparing to do what they have never had to do before: lead the church at West Huntsville without the huge blessing of consultation with Arnold. He has been the “rock” in many ways upon which we, as a family, have depended. For me, personally, he has been an extremely valuable personal evangelism mentor. Believing in me (at least in my potential) enough to invite me to travel to foreign cities and islands and countrysides, alongside my good husband, to teach women one-on-one and in classes, he allowed me to experience some of the greatest joys of my life, as I watched the spiritual births of women with whom I had studied, using methods learned directly from Him. I will never even know the depth of his spiritual influence on me. Please pray for his comfort during this time of farewell and pray for our strength and faith as we continue toward heaven without him. Please pray for his dear, dear wife Pat and for his sons and grandchildren. Cards can be sent to Arnold Wright at 1519 Old Monrovia Road, Huntsville, AL 35806.

And now, for a bright note (literally), enjoy this from “Priscilla,” one of the women you encouraged from our Encouragement Tree last December:

Aloha Cindy,

This is long overdue but it helps you’re here =)

I wanted to extend a heart felt gratitude to the wonderful Sisters who sent me (“Priscilla”) encouraging notes. When I read the names on your blog, I told myself to send a note to this “single parent”, which I didn’t but it turned out to be me. My heart was so overwhelmed with love and joy when I checked my mailbox to find a large envelope with about 50+ cards…all for me! I didn’t jump in and start reading them. I waited a couple of days and prayed that my soul and my heart would recognize how blessed I am to be a part of God’s family. Sisters wrote of how they prayed for me, of how they are encouraged by me (and here I was feeling insignificant in the Lord’s kingdom), of other single moms out there struggling also but keeping their eyes on Christ, and especially reminding me that the Lord is with me. I felt “highly favored” and so loved!!! Thank you sooooo very much to all of you for your kind and uplifting words and for your prayers!! The cards sit on my desk as a reminder that I’m not alone when the going gets tough. I would like to share with you some wonderful things that happened during the time that you all were praying for me and I had no idea (but God knew!)

For Christmas, money was tight so I opted to not have a Christmas tree. Two weeks before Christmas, a kind Sister stopped by with a 6-foot artificial Christmas tree with lights, stockings, tree skirt, ornaments, groceries and a $100 gift card to get more groceries! Oh and a lot of presents to place under our tree!

My rent was late because I just didn’t have enough money. The late fee was $100 which our landlord kindly waived!

My car registration was due and…I didn’t have enough money so my tag was expired. A cop followed us one day and thinking he was going to give me a ticket, he just let me go!

I had to pay for my little sister’s fare to return home and thinking I would have to pay about $800, I ended up paying only $2.50…I had accumulated miles from a mission trip earlier in the year that I forgot about!

I received my acceptance letter to a competitive graduate nursing program – about 300 people applied for 40 slots! I look forward to sharing the gospel with many patients!

I’m so very thankful for all of you and I praise God for you! You encourage me to “pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, gentleness” and to keep “fighting the good fight of the faith!” I love you all!

~ “Priscilla” 🙂

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