Frustrated about this one after three “proofings”! In chapter three, it is obvious that the Big headline near the bottom of the page should read “Samson’s Mother”; not “Manoah’s Mother”. She was Manoah’s wife. So go correct your copies. Good catch by Marlon Retana, while translating.
- If you want a shirt or hoodie, hard deadline is this Sunday. We are trying, like crazy, to get everything out to you.
- If you are local to North Alabama, make your plans to come to West Huntsville on Saturday the 21st, to hear a ladies day about keeping our mental “selves” healthy in the Word and helping each other stay in a “good” place. I’m looking forward to it. Kim Chalmers and Katie Holder will talk to us. (As always, if you are able to attend, you get one pass, on one assignment, in the Conversations study, and you still get to be a finisher.) Message me with any questions. Register here:
- First monthly podcast will be on the 24th of September at 7. Watch the Digging Deep page for details and join us! Make your comments and ask your questions live from that page! We will try to address them all. It will be a great review of Month One! Pisa Soli will be joining me as co-host. For local ladies, she will also be leading the discussion on the previous night at West Huntsville.
Pisa is on the left. Digger Rachel from Illinois is on the right.
- Be patient about your orders, especially if your order included a tote, shirt, or hoodie. All of those were hugely popular and are back-ordered. The good news is that all items arrive next week, so we will be shipping the back-orders next week. Thanks so much for your understanding.
- Julie Orr, once again, is doing a phenomenal job in the virtual group “Mama’s Monday Moments” Details are all over the DD page and the Mama’s Monday Moments page, as well. She is a great Bible student, who is a faithful Digger, as well. I have to trust someone an awful lot to endorse without hearing every word of the MM virtual study. (It’s not that I know everything about the Bible, of course. It’s that I am fiercely protective of the study we do together. We ask hard questions, but we are ever dependent on the Word for the answers.) She is that kind of student/teacher.
- This one is huge! THANK YOU! I have never, in all of my days, seen women who are more like Jesus, than the women who study along in our big group. Sometimes, when we (the Colleys) bungle an order, I cannot believe your grace and kindness. Thanks so very much! Proverbs 12 says “The tongue of the wise brings healing.” You bring us healing all the time and we are ever grateful!
- Please keep inviting. It’s such an easy catch up all the way through November, so fall is the “invite” time. Our book supply is running low, but we will order more, if the need arises. That’s a great problem to have. Invite! Then invite someone you failed to think of before. (And don’t forget there’s a free download!)
- Pray! Please pray daily for the study. Prayer changes things. And prayer changes my study from rote to real every week. He is so good.
- As you study Eve, resolve….Resolve to be keenly aware that the old devil has no new tricks, but he will surely use every one that made Eve succumb in the garden. He is crafty and quick and can ruin your life in a matter of moments. Don’t let him get all up in your fruit tree. Keep bearing good fruit.