So many blessings—so little time at my house! My phone is in there ding-ing away. My inbox is overflowing and my heart is overflowing to a greater degree. PTP’s a wrap for 2023 and I could not be more thankful to our God of comfort and Father of mercies (2 Corinthians 1:2,3)! Though there were some disappointing moments as I had prayed for some things that just could not happen, the overwhelming blessings were so obvious and palatable through the week with the truest kind of blood family. I am so very thankful. (
10 Impactful quotes of the week that I am remembering as I write:
“I have to go to class. I really don’t want to miss any of it today.” (Ezra)
“I want to see Digger Doug and Mammy.” (Caleb and Lydia)
“We don’t say “oh my gosh.” (Eliza Jane, to a lady in the corridor.)
‘I loved that lesson so much. I learned so much!” (Avelynn)
“No. I need my own Bible for this.” (Ezra, when I offered to share my Bible with him.)
“There’s just one good thing about not being a Christian. You could play in the water park.” (Ezra) —Then we had a long talk about how Christians can play in water parks if people are not undressed. …And how there are NO good things about not being a Christian.)
“Wait! I need my different money to give to God. That bag is for the missionary.” (Maggie)
“Today we will be singing ‘Jesus Loves the Little Children.’” (Ellis—in front of 200 people who sang fervently with him.)
“We are going shopping in the big Hall. I hope I find a doll that’s a Bible person.” (Maggie)
“I love PTP. It’s just that all this many people are kind of hard.” (Maggie)
“But I knew all of those answers. I think something is wrong with the buzzer. Yeah, that’s it.” (Ezra-after Bible Bowl)
“Look Mammy! Look! My teacher made me this book about all the stuff we learned!” (Colleyanna)
“My favorite part of PTP? The carnival!!” (both Ezra and Colleyanna)
“I Low you. You in my haht.” (Eliza Jane…to everybody)
If you didn’t notice, all these particular quotes are from people ten and under. We could posit, that they might be the most impacted for His glory, by PTP. They, generally, have a longer span left to make this impact. They are uninhibited in influencing others for the Lord. They are the most moldable people there. They are the least hardened in their hearts. They are, in short, amazing catalysts for much good in the church.
So, special thanks to Drew Hudgens, Celine Sparks, Billy Hayes, Tammy Bear, Chelsea Jones and all the teachers and moms and volunteers who opened this important window of learning to so many children. I’m sure I’m leaving out some folks, but that’s the thing about these people. Not one of them is about credit! They are each about His glory! (One or two teachers even got locked in their classrooms after all the children had left. These are some teachers who are “locked in” to this teaching opportunity!)
And, if all this good can potentially come from just one aspect of the big Polishing the Pulpit conference, how much eternal good could result from the entire program each year? And, can Christians double that influence by the addition of another PTP in Branson next year? Jehovah is the God of MORE (Ephesians 3:20)!