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I was speaking to a friend recently who was thinking of going to a foreign country to do mission work. She said she was a bit afraid of some aspects of the work because of her shyness. I was impressed that, in spite of her admittedly introverted disposition, she was undeterred from her goal of mission work. So often, it’s not that way. People who are uncomfortable or shy around new people often use that characteristic to excuse themselves from speaking to people about the Lord. That’s a shame because all people, including shy people, are presented with unique opportunities to speak the gospel. A failure to speak may result in the loss of an opportunity that will never recur. It is for the potential of the shy in evangelism and service that I suggest the following series of activities. We need all of His people in the quest to fill the narrow way!

**Pray every day that you will not let yourself get in the way of your service.

Then do one of the following, in order, each time you go to services:
**Go up to one person and say, “Hey, how are you?”
**Go up to one person and say, “I want you to know I’ve been praying for you.”
**Go up to three people and say, “You have been a good example to me.”
**Go up to two children and say, “Can I have a hug?”

Then, outside of services, do one of the following, each week.

**Go to the nursing home and go by three rooms and say, “I brought you a surprise.”
**Go tell one teenager that you appreciate his/her example.”
**Write ten cards (handwritten) of encouragement and mail them.

Then, resume your work at services:

***Ask one person to go with you or with your family to lunch after services.
**Go up to one visitor, introduce yourself and say, “I’m so glad you are here.”
**Walk five pews and pat the people on the end on the back as you pass and speak.
**Now go ask one person over for coffee or breakfast and a trip out together to visit a shut-in or a trip to McDonalds with your kids to play.
**Now, volunteer to assist in a kids’ class next quarter.
**Take these kids in your class home with you one Sunday for lunch.
**Now make it your goal to be brave one Wed. night and get there ten minutes early and go sit down beside people all over the building for ten minutes. Put your arms around them and say, “ Tell me what the doctor is saying about your arthritis.” —“How did the picnic for the youth group go?—“Are you feeling better?”—I’m bringing you a casserole on Thursday when you all get home from the surgery.”—

Now, move around the building and sit in different places each time for a month.

Now, ask the preacher or a lady who studies with people if you can go on a Bible Study with her next time she has one.

You do all of this— just make yourself –and you will have conquered your shyness, at least to an extent where it is not debilitating to your service to God, in six months.

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