Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

On the Ninth Day of Digging Deep…

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On the first day of Digging Deep, this digger got to  see… A new deluxe edition for me…

On the second day of Digging Deep, this digger got to see…two swag orders and a new deluxe edition for me. 

On the third day of Digging Deep, this digger got to see …three posted dig-a bits, two swag orders and a new deluxe edition for me.

On the fourth day of Digging Deep, this digger got to see …four sample screen-prints, three posted dig-a-bits, two swag orders, and a new deluxe edition for me.

On the fifth day of Digging Deep, this digger got to see…Five Golden Crowns!!!!…four sample screen prints, three dig-a-bits, two swag orders, and a new deluxe edition for me.

On the sixth day of Digging Deep, this digger got to see…Six sheep-a-grazing…Five Golden Crowns!!!…four sample screen prints, three dig-a-bits, two swag orders, and a new deluxe edition for me.

On the seventh day of Digging Deep, this digger got to see… Seven ladies waiting…Six sheep-a-grazing…Five Golden Crowns!!!…four sample screen prints, three dig-a-bits, two swag orders, and a new deluxe edition for me.

On the eighth day of Digging Deep, this digger got to see, eight laughing locals …Seven ladies waiting…Six sheep-a-grazing…Five Golden Crowns!!!…Four sample screen prints, Three dig-a-bits, Two swag orders, and A new deluxe edition for me.

On the ninth day of Digging Deep, this digger got to see…Nine crown photos…eight laughing locals …Seven ladies waiting…Six sheep-a-grazing…Five Golden Crowns!!!…Four sample screen prints, Three dig-a-bits, Two swag orders, and A new deluxe edition for me.

As of this writing nine photos have been submitted to the Digging Deep page of crowned Diggers! Get those photos up there! It’s so exciting to get to the end and be ready to begin all over again with some riches unexplored, but just waiting to make us better and more ready for heaven. I can’t wait!


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