Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

New! Keepers at Home Clips!

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It’s podcast time again and if you want to spend an hour with women of God in discussion of His word, join us on Tuesday night, the 31st at 7:00 CST. Every time I gather with Christian women by way of this podcast, I am encouraged and enlightened in some area of my walk with God. It will be a video session this time, so you will actually see those of us who are presenting the broadcast.. (Could be a bad or good thing!) We will be discussing the women of the book of Judges and we will be focusing on practical applications for our lives as God’s women today–stuff for your day from those women who lived and struggled so long ago. Here’s the link for participation. Please do participate!

The other new feature we will begin Tuesday evening is a short clip to conclude the podcast featuring a different idea for homemakers each month. This month’s short film will be a how-to video about making a personalized gift from inexpensive materials. It will feature yours truly this time, but I am hoping to draw from the talents of many of you in future months and make this a feature to which we look forward. Each clip will be archived and available for your viewing any time at this link:

Future topics will likely include coupon-ing, cooking tips, kid-friendly recipes, cleaning tips, sewing ideas, kid crafts, organizational helps and book reviews for keepers. I am excited about this new forum for those who want to grow up and be the woman of Proverbs 31.

Last, but not least, if you have a nugget from your study of “Women of Troubled Times” to share with us on the podcast, please don’t hesitate. This time, as you submit your question or comment, you will choose the video option or the text option for commenting. Of course, all comments will be screened as always. The contributor of the best live-and-in-person study nugget ( truth gleaned from this month’s Digging Deep study) will receive a “Poems, Prayers, and Promises” spiritual planner ( a $15.00 value) from The Colley House. This spiral-bound volume is a year-long planner for any year containing spiritual poetry and kid photography. You’ll like it for recording the firsts of your babies, keeping track of your schedule or for your prayer list and journaling. So bring on the comments. To be eligible for the planner, you must accept the video option for commenting and your comment must be one of those we actually see on our screens. Let’s see how efficient and effective we are with this new process. Most importantly, let’s contemplate together the meat of His Word.

I hope you can keep reading “Bless Your Heart.” The next post, Lord willing, will be about our culture’s recent acceptance of moms who walk out on their families. Sad phenomenon. God bless. See you on the Digging Deep podcast!

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