Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

New Family Bible Time Book!

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For years now, Glenn and I have been telling young parents that our most practical suggestion for putting faith in kids is to have a Family Bible Time: a relaxed, informal, but very regular time daily spent in singing, prayer and talking about the Word. The advantages are obvious, but the most surprising, for us, was that, when our kids became teens, we never experienced that drawing away–that distance between parents and children–that so many parents have described to us. Bringing their teen questions (about the Bible, about sex, about sin and about the culture) to us seemed the most natural thing in the world. We believe this is due, largely, to the fact that, every single day in their young lives we had spent time talking with them, on their levels, about the things of God. This ritual was just as much a part of our evenings as bedtime brushing. “Storytime,” as we called it, was just a daily dose of fun: short stories, writing notes, Bible charades, scavenger hunts, etc…all centered on the hub in our wheel of life–the Bible. Of course, we made many mistakes along the way, but Family Bible Time can do no harm. It is a win-win proposal for your family– in its spirituality, its cohesiveness, and its glory to God. 
But the inevitable question we hear after parenting seminars is ‘How?…How exactly do we go about starting this Family Bible Time?” That question is certainly one for which we do not have all the answers. A look back at the postings on the “Bless Your Heart” blog will give you some ideas. 
But the most exciting thing we finally have to offer for beginning or boosting your Bible Time is this new children’s book. It’s a sweet story about a little boy’s disappointment when he looked at only the pretty “outsides” and  picked a bad watermelon. It’s a story about wisdom, about choices and about the ultimately important choice of marriage. What I love about this book is the last few pages in the back. There’s a three week parent guide for Family Bible time that’s heavy on the Bible and has fun applications and activities for your children of all ages–even the teens. 
We hope this will help the many parents we meet who are determined to put God in the hearts of their children. We hope this will be just the beginning of much glory, from within the walls of your homes, for our Father. We hope it could plant seeds in little hearts  for strong marriages for your children and grandchildren. We are so imperfect, but God can take our little projects and do big things with them. We pray this book can be a tool He can use to help more families make Family Bible Time a happening thing every single day. We know that will be a good thing. We are praying for this book and all the young hearts it might touch in some small way. We hope to follow it with more Family Bible Time books.
It’s still at the printer’s, but we have a promise that it will be ready for delivery on Friday, December 2nd. So if you are thinking about your kids and grandkids for Christmas, we will be shipping out all pre-orders in the early days of December. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas at the Colley house. We’re excited about having extra people here for our Family Bible Times during the holidays. We’re excited, especially, that we have a new son-in-law this year for Christmas. I think we will have him read a new book to us around the Christmas tree this year–a little book about picking the right mate. We hope he and Hannah will one day read it to our grandkids, too. Do I mention how I’m looking forward to them (the grandkids) often enough? 
Blessings on all the young families!  The first 50 copies will be autographed!

Click here for the link: Colley Books
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