Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

New Book for Kids!

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Is it ever too early to begin preparing our kids for the time when they will choose their mates for life?  It’s a daunting job in our world in which over half of marriages end in divorce. Are there ways we can enable our children to lay strong and Biblical foundations for their future homes?

Just a blurb today about an almost finished project for children. It’s a book about a young boy’s visit to his grandparent’s farm where he learns the importance of choosing wisely.  It’s about picking the best watermelon. But the real import of the tale is that kids get an early idea about the qualities they want to find when they’re all grown up and it’s time to choose husbands and wives for themselves. What I like most about the book is that it has family projects and discussion starters in the back, so that if parents need a jump-start on how to do Family Bible Time, this book is a ready resource. I’m especially proud to introduce Mary Brown Haney as the book’s illustrator. She brought personality and vibrant hues to the story and I think your children will be taken with the pictures. I know I am!  The book will be available in the fall of this year and I am hopeful it will be the first in a series of Family Bible Time books. Here’s a preview of  “Picking Melons and Mates”…

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