Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Mrs. B Bright Ideas… Go check it out!

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I’ve been meaning to tell you about this for at least a year. Can’t wait another day. If you are a homeschool teacher, a traditional school teacher, or just a mom persevering to find good safe curriculum-boosters and, as the website touts, bright ideas for the students you love, here’s the place. 

Anna Benavides is one of the most talented people I know and her resources are a click away. They are here: She’s a faithful New Testament Christian married to a computer geek (in a good way) and daughter and daughter-in-law to a couple of my very good sister/friends, Janet Hudson and Jenn Benavides. Anna teaches second grade and takes care of Michael, her pretty amazing husband. She also is teaching women in various spiritual venues. You may have heard her at PTP or on a recent Sisters podcast. I recently heard her in a women’s Bible class and her talent for teaching just naturally emerges there. 

I could go on and give you details about some of the products, but if you go exploring on the site, you will find not only what you need to tailor your own best package for the student who is needing accelerated math projects or the one who is challenged at some point by phonics or fractions. But bonuses are that you will also find her blog and it will be a win for your homeschool or classroom; and you will  connect to her instagram for extra ideas. She finds creative ways to organize your classroom space, your instructions for your substitute teachers, and even your personal spaces. AND.SO.MUCH. MORE! 

My favorite selling point may be the original whimsical art style that’s a part of every product. And the products are organized by the months of the school year. So, for instance, the math has an October section, so you can make your learning space fresh and seasonal. You just have to see. So go!  If you’re in Alabama, you may have a couple of extra hours this week in your fall break. You will not regret the time you spend here.

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