Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Moms of Boys…Can You Make this Happen?

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In the midst of a time when more and more young adults are choosing a path of deconstruction—deconstruction of a Biblically ordered faith—there’s a lot that parents can do to spiritually protect their kids from taking the path that will eventually take them to sorrow in this life and to the unspeakable in the next. We cannot make their choices for them, but we can give them a jumpstart toward true success. We can invest in that.

I’m thankful for programs like this one that Daniel Samek has put together for guys, ages 14-20. I love everything about it. I love the ages of the guys who will attend. So many times we fail to include those who have left high school and entered the work force or a university. Often these are the ones who need it most and will find the tools offered to be extremely valuable as they are influenced by those who are militant in an atheistic world view. 

I’m thankful for the speakers chosen.  They are Jeremy Burleson, Scott Ballard, Glenn Colley and B.J. Clarke. I know that Daniel worked  very hard to insure soundness and I know they are not only faithful men, but they also love the souls of the hearers. They are passionate about putting truth in them. One of them, I know especially well. =)

I’m thankful for the expense and effort on the part of the organizers. It’s a lot to put something like this together. But it’s the kind of effort that keeps on working when the event is past. Sometimes, programs like this keep influencing till the final “Well done” is spoken in the last day. 

I’m thankful for the topics. I’ve seen that list as well, and it’s a type of spiritual insurance that parents take out on young souls that will face a barrage of unbelief, often even mockery in our post-modern world.

They tell me that there’s still a place for your son. I wish mine could have experienced this. I hope it will still be around one day for my grandsons.

Here is all you need to know!   SOTK Flyer Finished

Registration is here:


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