As you know, if you’ve been reading, for quite some time, I’ve occasionally been running little installments called “Mama’s K.I.S.S.” I know that lots of readers could give many more and far more creative ideas than I can offer, but these installments are just a few tried and true and mostly old-fashioned ideas for putting service hearts in our kids. This is number 67 of a list of one hundred ways we train our kids to serve. K.I.S.S. is an acronym for “Kids In Service Suggestions”.
I’m sure this one’s intuitive, but it’s a great responsibility tutor. Look for families in the congregation or neighborhood and let your kids volunteer to do the necessary plant watering and pet feeding, and mail-gathering while they are gone. Your non-Christian neighbors will see the church in a good light and your Christian family will develop closer bonds with your children. Be sure your kids ask politely, for the chance to volunteer in this way. “Is there something we can do while you are gone? I’d love to help and my mom says she can help me.” For the younger ones, you’ll need to go along, of course, and be sure plants aren’t drowned and dog food stays in its place.
Then, as kids mature, they can take these tasks seriously and complete them on their own. When they get to be driving age, they can be really good at house sitting, even if it involves spending the night in homes of trusted friends when they are out of town.
It’s important not to expect or ask for payment from those you know. But it’s my recommendation that you allow your kids to take the tip that will likely be offered when the travelers return. That gives a great opportunity to practice thank-you notes and giving to the church from the gift received.
This is truly a wonderful way to learn the importance of remembering (writing down or setting alarms for) responsibilities and keeping up with keys and scheduling around other activities. It’s a win in every way as long as you are parenting with safety in mind.