Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Mama’s K.I.S.S. #24: Prepare for Communion

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Over the past few years, one of the most requested topics on my speaking circuit has been a lesson in which I list a hundred ideas for training our kids to be servants. Service oriented kids grow up to be productive adult servants in the kingdom and it’s those people to whom the Lord will say, “Come ye blessed of my Father,” according to Matthew 25. So it matters if I’m making a real effort, as a mom, to put the heart of a servant in my child. For this reason, I’ve decided to devote a post, every now and then, to a service suggestion—a simple idea for moms to make their homes busy service centers for young hearts and hands. I’d love to hear from those of you who try them. So here goes:

Prepare for Communion

What better time for teaching your children about the last Passover supper, the death of our Lord, and the meaning of the Lord’s Supper than when you are in the kitchen baking unleavened bread for your congregation’s weekly communion feast? So go ahead. Ask your elders or leaders if you may provide the bread and the juice for one upcoming Sunday (or even a month of Sundays). Unless you have vineyards, you may want to purchase the juice. But take the time to tell your children about the original passover and how the women left Egypt so quickly with the bread in tow (Exodus 12, 13). (If you want to study up on the relationship of the Passover and the Lord’s Supper, I would suggest the related chapters in a book called “We Bow Down,” available from Publishing Designs as well as

If your congregation has special trays and a preparation area in the building, take your kids there and let them complete the preparations for the serving. Here’s one simple recipe for unleavened bread:


1 cup whole wheat flour (extra for dusting)2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil1/2 cup waterThe idea for this recipe came from I Kings 17:10-16, the story of Elijah and the widow.Combine the ingredients, then put dough onto floured surface. Knead for five minutes, then roll out until about 1/8 inch thick. On either parchment paper or a greased cookie sheet, bake in a preheated 350°F oven for 20 minutes.


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