Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Living On Purpose

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“I didn’t mean to do it.”…The words I’ve said so often

When picking up broken pieces. Harsh words I tried to soften. 

But when I’m introspective and with my heart I’m true. 

The question begs an answer, “What DID I mean to do?” 


I have to mean to live for him. “On purpose” in every detail;

For if I fail to plan my walk, I really plan to fail.

Purposeful living is life with a map, instead of a wandering trail

It’s a definite destination, and a place to avoid, as well.


If I’m to keep away from sin; impulsive times of weakness; 

I have to keep close to the Book—prepare, instead, for meekness. 

If I’m to guard the worst of me, to practice self-control, 

I have to feed the best of me, the manna of the soul.


If I’m to stop the talk that harms and spreads a dark despair

I have to start the talk that heals; the talk of fervent prayer.

If I can bear a burden instead of causing grief.

If I can offer words that heal and offer sweet relief…


That will not be an accident; a careless happenstance.

Heroic deeds are purposeful, and always start with plans. 

Plans to set aside the time to get into the Word.

Lists of those who need the truth and maybe haven’t heard. 


Jotted lists of those in need of comfort, meals or prayers.

And circled on my calendar the dates I plan to share—

A meal, a card, a visit, or a luncheon for the grieving

A Bible study session with a heart not yet believing. 


A facebook group where sisters pray; a house with an open door;

A meal on the table for someone who’s tired, a trip to the grocery store…

A text to encourage an elder, who can hardly stand under the strain…

Coffee with a mom who’s single again; the victim of betrayal and pain.


What did you mean to do today? Exactly what was the plan? 

Was the day you just spent purposeful? Did you firmly take your stand?

Did you cross off something on a list that’s focused for his glory?

Did you tell someone off or did you, as planned, tell someone the old, old story?


Did you wonder today at His greatness or wander in purpose-less “fun”?

Did you bask in pursuits of the world or bask in the warmth of His Son? 

Did you handle aright the word today? Did you marvel at some truth anew? 

Are you planning to fail by failing to plan? Or is God’s purpose living in you? 


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