Bless Your Heart by Cindy Colley

Listen to this wise woman: Kathy Carroll.

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I love the era of podcasts, internet archives, and youtube. I know, in the theological sense, I am never walking alone in this lifetime. We are kind of like Enoch; we walk with God. But, with the ease of hearing great teachers through my earbuds and Shokz–I can literally walk through my neighborhood, getting my two miles in, with great women of God. The best part is, they are not just conversing about the weather. While we walk, they are teaching me; giving me their best wisdom about the matters of eternal importance. I get to hear them DO Titus 2. In this significant way, they literally are walking with me.

This past week, Kathy Carroll walked with me. She uplifted me in ways I had not expected on that day when my plate was overflowing and my heart was saddened about some things I cannot change. She reminded me that there is so much I can change; so much I can do for His glory and for souls around me, toward the eternal rest.

I hope you can take the time to listen today in the car, on your walk, or while you fold the laundry. While you are over there, go ahead and listen to Kathy’s other lesson of the day from this good Seagoville church. And you won’t want to miss Kastin Carrol, either. All are right there together.

Walk with God, but walk with some of the wisest sisters among us, too. God is incredibly good to give us the technical resource of togetherness even when we are far apart. Let’s not waste it on merely scrolling the “social” news. There’s so much of the everlasting gospel to be lived and shared! I’m on year 55 of being a Christian. I can’t have enough years left to listen to all the riches! I’m on this!

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